chapter 5 (21+)

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                                                                  Jimins Pov

      i returned with no young anywhere. "so let me get this straight. you fucking let young go by herself with only hoseok as protection to go get 'me' from a distress signal but they didn't come back." i asked while pointing a gun a men's head. i shot him. i shot all the men." FUCKING USELESS!" i yelled while shooting them cold heartedly.

        "I GIVE YOU BASTARDS ONE JOB AND THAT IS TO PROTECT YOUNG WITH ALL COST AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO!" I shot every one of the men and then kicked the wall. namjoon put his hand on my shoulder. "Jimin calm down. we'll find her. her distress signal is going off from upstairs." i then run upstairs to the control room and saw he was right. "young was smart and recorded the whole thing so we could track her down to the address she was taked too. 

         "hurry the fuck up before i blow your brains out and find the address jin." he nodded and started to tap on his computer finally finding it. "i have it." i then looked at it and raced to the car. the boys all got into the car and we all raced out to find my babygirl. 

                                                               youngs Pov

         i was awake in a jail cell. when i tried moving i felt chains holding me back. i then looked around the room and saw pure darkness. i then cried letting my tears fall down.  i heard laughter. "how should we torture her first?" i heard a sickening laugh i heard on the phone the night my mother died. "lets give her what she deserves for going against her father." i then felt cuts bruises getting though all over my body.

         they were as sharp as my anger. i tried breaking free while crying for them to stop but soon i passed out from too much blood lost. i heard laughter as they finished.

                                                                jimins Pov

        we made it to there signal and i ordered the men first in while the boys and i go down to the second distress signal. we go into the room and entered into a prison cell with a dead body in it. my legs started to turn into jelly. i turned the dead body around to see it was only a young women's body. i let a breath out and then kick down the rusted door in the prison cell.

     there across was hoseok. he had a cut across his chest while being tided up. we all help break him out. but the door wouldn't open. i then shot the lock and it automatically opens. i opened it and we helped hoseok out. "taehyung take him back to the car. the nurse will treat him there." he hummed and nodded while carrying him and taking him to the car. 

       i then go around and try finding her. my baby girl. "young!" we yell trying to find her. i was going nuts. i needed her to be with me. i broke ever lock of every cell but didn't see her. we entered too a room which was bigger then the rest. there she was in a cage. bruises and big cuts all over her body as well as her ripped clothes. she was unconscious.

            i then couldn't hold my anger. i blew up. i saw her dad behind it as well as jung woo just laughing. "jimin your puny girlfriend couldn't' save you 'so how are you gonna save her?" he laughed. i cracked my neck. that was the last breaking point. there were men who came from behind them and started to attack us but i killed them brutally.

       i went first to jung woo and pushed him against the wall ready too kill him. he had blood running down the side of his mouth. he smirked. "why don't you just give up on her jimin? that weakling girl deserves to die. and you deserve to be on a better mafia team. with us." i punched him in the gut ten times harder then i have ever before. he coughed up blood and a lot of it. i then glared at him with a cold stare and pointed my gun at him. 

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