chapter 23 (21+)

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i blinked a couple of times to really justify if that was my mom or not. it was. no. what the fuck is my mind doing to me. i looked away and tried to close my eyes and count down to 10 to try and set my mind straight. 10 my mom is dead. 9 my mom was murdered 8 my mom died on telephone. 7 my mom and baby sister both died from murder . 6 but theres no actual proof besides a phone call. 5 maybe that is my mom! 4 maybe she is alive! 3 or is she just like min seo. 2 another figment of my imagination.

with that i opened my eyes and looked back to try and find the women. she was gone. and so was the baby. i felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped before meeting eye contact with a wet jungkook. "can i borrow your towel please?" i nodded giving it to him before he sat next to me. "whats up with you? you seem scared of something?" he asked while drying his hair with the towel.

i shaked my head. "nothing... just... thinking." he hummed and stopped drying his hair to put his arm around me. "i know jimins not here, but try to enjoy your time. it's your birthday after all." i smiled and nodded. "thank you kookie." he smiled before kissing my forehead and leaving to grab something to eat. i stood in silence. my hallucinations have been getting out of hand. they really haunted my thoughts. but i cant let that happen. not anymore. especially not today.

i got up and decided to go back into the water. now there was only the two girls and hoseok in the water fooling around. i just stayed by the shore and kicked around shells. it hurt since i didn't have shoes or socks to protect my feet as i walked on them barefoot, but i just wanted time to think about things. to think about what just happened.

before i could kick another one for my new blister i heard a yell. i looked towards the water and saw hoseok and the girls waving at me to come in. i smiled. "nah im good!" i yelled. hoseok and the girls exchange looks before hoseok races out towards me. i wanted to run but he caught me before i could. i laughed as he put his arms under my legs and shifted me off my feet towards the cold sea water.

i screamed and tried hitting hoseoks chest to stop but he didn't and just laughed while dropping me in the cold water. i got up imdiantly and attacked hoseok drowning him. he bit my leg and i yelled and pushed his head down a little before letting go. he came up laughing. i glared at him as the girls laughed. "i hate you." i mumbled before stomping out the water but he grabbed my wrist pulling me to him. i tried moving away but he didn't let go.

he put his arms around my waist and raised his eyebrow. "what you gonna do now?" i sighed giving up. the girls stood there and just looked at us with widen eyes. "ohhhh HOSEOK IS READY TO GET HIS ASS BEAT!" seulgi yells while pointing to someone. i looked and saw jimin. he was looking at us. he didn't seem to have an emotion.

he didn't dress like he wanted to come in. just a simple white shirt and white spandex shorts. i pushed hoseok off and drowned him before going towards jimin. he just stared behind me at hoseok. i finally go to him and smiled while breathing slightly heavily. "hi oppa." i slightly manage out my mouth.

he cleared his throat and looked at me. "hi." he stood quiet after that. i scrunched my eyebrows. "are you okay?" i dont know why i asked that. i knew he wasn't. i just didn't know what else to say. he folded his arms and looked away nodding. when neither of us said something namjoon came jogging over to us. he had a towel in his hand and wrapped it around me. he looked at jimin with a slight smile.

"how did everything go? did you finally transmit everything?" namjoon asked. jimin hummed. "everything went great." he mumbled. namjoon looked between me and jimin. "do you want me to leave you guys alone." i was going to reply with a no its okay. but jimin responded before me. "Yes. i need to talk to my babygirl alone." he nodded before taking one last look at me before leaving.

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