chapter 25 (21+)

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(one months later)

i haven't gone back to the mansion. i have thought about but always reminded myself that jimin didn't want to see me anymore. i was on my bed still awake at 11 pm. yooksu let me stay the whole month even though he and i both thought that would be one night. he bought me clothes everyday which kept rounding up to the amount of money i owed him.

but ever since the last day i saw the members i have been getting non stop calls. especially from bora. i looked at her name in my contacts and sighed. she is my best friend. and she probably is worried. ill just talk to bora but not call anyone else. i dont need anyone else knowing what im doing.

i sighed and called bora. she picked up after the first ring. "young sweetie are you okay!!! i was worried sick about you!" i smiled at the yelling voice. "well at least i know you were." i heard her let out a sigh. "young they all were worried. especially jimin he wouldn't stop yelling at me for not calling you as many times as he wanted me too."

i hear her slight giggle and roll me eyes. "im sorry for that. he's just a jerk." she hummed. "anyways want to come over tomorrow. we can hang out without the guys obviously and just me and you." i smiled. "i would like that." "lets meet around 8 in the morning at my house." "why so early?" i laughed. she slightly giggles. "sorry im an early bird." i form a relaxed smile on my face. "okay well ill meet you tomorrow then."

"bye!" i smiled. "bye." i hanged up and in the exact time yooksu knocked on the door. i ran out the room towards the table and sat down making yooksu laugh. we finsihed dinner and soon said goodnight before i took a shower and fell asleep.

the next morning i woke up peacefully. but also heartbroken. the whole night all i wanted to do was snuggle into jimins arms but couldnt feel anyone next to me. it hurt knowing that we are not together anymore. i wouldn't mind if he was mad at me. hell i wouldn't mind if he was mad at me for a year. but breaking up was the worst dection he has ever made.

he knows what he's doing to me by staying so far away from me. he wants me hurt. he wants me alone. so i could go back running to him. and so far its working. i slowly climbed out of bed brushing my hair with my fingers while yawning as the early gleam of sun ran though the window. the first thing i did before getting up was grab my phone.

i had 20+ new messages. i stood surprised by all the messages the members left. but of course none from jimin. i still couldnt believe he called me a month ago though. i thought he wanted me to not speak to him. i still smiled daydreaming of being in his arms again. his warm muscular tattooed arms that hold me up every time im on him.

a knock interrupted my daydream. "come in!" i yelled. in came yooksu with a smile on his little face. "so i bought you new clothes as well as a hairbrush for today." i looked at the clothes in his hand and smiled. "thanks yooksu. you really are my best friend." he chuckled. "no problem. now go get ready for breakfast. im making cucumber soup!"

he yelled leaving my room. i laughed while covering my ears. once he left i started to change. the outfit he bought was a simple black white dress. but it was the cutest thing ever. my white converses did well with the dress. i tied my hair up in a pony tail before walking out the room with my old clothes as well as my phone and book. there stood yooksu at the dining room with food on the table.

he looked at me and smiled. "you look very cute. i knew that would fit you." i giggled and bowed. "thank you again." he sighed and completely turned to me. "stop thanking me im your bestfriend. its what i should do." i smiled nodding. "oh and also i got you a bag to carry your stuff in." i laughed as well as him. i dont know of what we laughed. but just the atmosphere was filled with a cheerful mood so why not?

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