chapter 26 (21+)

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i saw he was pulling up somewhere. he stopped and then sighed. the place he stopped was the park we would go to relax. the park that emptied our heads. we both just looked out the sky. everything seemed to be getting to me. the kisses we shared in this exact car infront of this park and the dirty touches we gave each other. with all passion and lust. i missed that. i missed his touch on my skin.

i missed his pouting when he saw i didn't want to kiss him. i missed his manly smell every time i would go close to him. i missed him. jimin reached over to my side. he took off my seat belt and then his. "come." with that he got out the car. i followed him confused. i just followed him intill the edge of the park where he stopped and sat down. i sat next to him but made sure to have a couple inch's away from him.

he just looked out to the sky. i looked at him. "why did you bring me here?" i asked quietly. he didn't look at me and just responded. "i wanted to tell you more things about my past. and i thought since were broken up it would be easier." i swallowed down my tears and nodded. i slightly moved away abit but tried not making it visible.

he noticed. he looked at me and sighed. "look young. i dont know how long i want to be mad at you. and i dont want it to be for to long. but you have to understand why im doing this." i looked at him with tears about to fall. "i dont know. that's why i stayed away from you jimin. because i didn't know withier you loved me or not anymore. you told me not to talk to you or even look at you anymore. and that's exactly what i did. but why are you doing this to me now?"

he looked heartbroken as i felt everything break inside me. my tears were running down my cheeks. i was trying to hold in the waterfall inside me about to break free. "baby... i" he didn't say anything after that. i got up wiping my tears. "just take me home jimin." he looked at me and got up. "young baby dont get upset. i love you, i really do." i shaked my head and just walked to the car. "no you dont. stop lying to me. "

he ran after me and grabbed my arm as my tears kept falling. "i do. i do love you. its just... i dont know what to do anymore." i looked at him and just looked at his neck to the missing necklace. "stop. just stop. you dont. and you know how i know." i looked at his face. "because if you really did love me you wouldnt have left me. you would've stayed with me even while you were 'figuring' things out. what kind of boyfriend leaves his girlfriend after he just assumes shes crazy!!"

i yelled. "even if you assumed i was crazy dosent that give you more reason to stay with me!" i started to yell feeling more frustrated and angry. he just looked at me with no emotion except regret inside his eyes. my tears started falling more faster. we both stood quiet. i turned away and wiped my tears. "i dont even know why im talking with you about this if you dont even listen to me. or more so dont care. just take me home already." i mumbled while getting inside the car.

this time i walked into the backseat. i closed the door and just looked out. jimin didnt seem to be processing any thing that happened in his head since when he got into the car he just started off. i hugged my knees as he started the car and started to drive home. the ride was quiet. it was akward enough being in the same car as him so i tried not saying anything. we made it back to the manstion finally. i wanted to escape the akward hell.

i turned the lock on the door for it to open but i heard one click insuring that it was locked. i looked over at jimin as he was just staring at me now. he looked wrecked. like everything i said hurt him. like it made such a bigger impact on him then me. "where are we now? i dont... i dont want to be broken up." i sniffled and shrugged. "i do want to be with you. i really do want to be your girlfriend again. but you need to figure things out. i dont want to get in the middle of that again."

he looked infront and before saying anything he unbuckled his seat belt and got out the car slamming close the door. i stood confused but even more surprised when he opened the back of the door. he slammed it shut before climbing on me. he looked at my face and had tears ready to come out as well. he put his lips on mine moving slowly. i didnt want to give in. i couldnt. he has been to selfish. he only cares about himself. but my lips and heart said other wise.

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