chapter 3 (21+)

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"i quit." i said while ruffling my dirty hair. jimin looked at me confused. "what's the matter? why do you want to quit?" i then looked at him while almost crying. "my family is now ruined because of what I'm doing here. and you almost died because of my stupiedness of falling in love with you." they stood silent.

"its my fault for being so weak. and i don't need anyone else getting hurt because of my fault." i then looked at jimin. "I'm sorry. i wont tell anyone about you guys. i'll just pretend like none of this even happened. i just... need time away from you." he then stepped to me but i backed away and walked past him with my head down. i walked deep inside finding myself back to the same street.

i got my phone and called min seo. i was sniffling while walking up the side walk of roads. she answered. "min seo. could you please pick me up?" i asked trying not to break. "yeah of course. where are you. ill be there as soon as i can." i told her and then we hanged up. i laid on the ground and cried. what am i doing with myself. i thought. i cant end things with us. i love him.

i then resist my urges of wanting to go back to him. i got up and saw on the ground. i wiped my eyes and tied my hair into a ponytail. i then see her car and enter it. she looked at me worried. i then broke and hugged her. she hugged me back. "its okay young." we drove to her house and she parked in the garage.

we went inside and she let me sit on the couch. she gave me water and i told her everything. she nodded understandingly. " that's where you been eveytime i want to hang out with you?" i nodded and sniffled. she sighed and hugged me. "you'll get though this young. you can sleep here tonight." i nodded and thanked her.

she nodded and i spent the night. a week passed from break and we went back to school. i changed and did everything normally except without jimin. i haven't talked to him in the whole week. he tried calling but i ignored his calls. we both soon finished and drive too school. she holds my hand while we walk inside. we got our stuff for our classes and separated. i went to my first period class and saw taehyung and hoseok in class.

they saw me and tried talking to me but i tried not listening. they sighed and turned there heads to the teacher when she walked in. i was too distracted at something outside the window to pay attention. it was jimin. with another girl. he moved on so fast. it broke my heart. he was holding her hand and laughing while walking inside the school.

taehyung and hoseok both sighed and saw what i was looking at. i raised my hand and looked at the teacher. "may i use the bathroom." i said close to tears but holded them back. "yes go ahead." i bowed my head while going out to the bathroom. when i walked out i saw them entering school holding hands. i raced past quickly to the bathroom.

i knew he saw me. i didn't care. i go inside and cry on the bathroom sink. i then try regaining my self but cried harder. i then saw the door open and looked. it was her. the girl jimin was holding hands with. she looked at me with a smirk. "aww is the cry baby okay?" she laughed. "your such an idiot. why would someone as hot as jimin love you."

she folded her arms."he was obviously using you, for his own pleasure." i then looked at her ready to bite her head off. i calmed myself down. "don't get in to other peoples business." she then chuckles. "what? am i telling the truth." i then broke. i pulled her to the wall and holded her collar making a loud bang on the wall. she struggled to get out. "let go you crazy bitch." the door opened. it was jimin. he looked at me and just looked.

i looked at her. " i told you to stay in your own business. and how the hell don't you know if he isnt using you too. just like he did me." i made her struggle to breath. jimin then pulled me back making her fall on the ground coughing. he looked at me in the eye. i glared at him. i then got out the bathroom and saw jimin chase behind me. he grabbed my arm pulling me to his chest. his soft gentle chest i always loved to sleep on.

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