Chapter 1- Strawberry Milk

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Boring. How boring.

Yamaguchi twirled the pencil in his lanky fingers, barely paying attention at the teacher's lecture. After a while, boredom overtook him, his eyes wandering around the room until stopping to a girl, sitting in front of Tsukishima. Her eyes were half closed from drowsiness, though he could see a small glint of her icy blue eyes, taking glances to her notebook before letting out a breathy sigh. That was the only noise he ever heard from her. How long has it been...? Three weeks? Not a word had left her mouth other than one or two word replies, which is already rare itself.

Weird. He thought. It's not that he had grown to dislike the girl, but he didn't like her either. She was just...weird.

To be honest, if it weren't for the rumors that circulate the school about her, she would easily blend in with the others. Possessing no outstanding features, preferring to keep her mouth shut at all times, it was typical. She was...well...boring. In a way.

It was then the bell rang, finally, blessedly. Yamaguchi snapped off his trance as the girl he was absentmindedly staring at stood up from her chair and left. Unlike the rest of his classmates, she didn't run like a pack of wild dogs out of the door. Instead, she walked her way out. Calmly yet indifferently.

Boring. How boring.

The classroom was silent with only the two first years for a while until Yamaguchi spoke. "Tsukki, I'm heading over to the vending machines, do you want anything?"

The blonde hummed, contemplating for a good two seconds before giving him a reply in a monotonous tone. "Strawberry milk."

Yamaguchi nodded, leaving the classroom and his blonde friend, who pulled on his earphones as he stared out the window in a disinterested manner.

The interest of the girl sparked in the freckled boy, not because of how she acts, but how the others describe her to be. As he walked by the crowded hallways, he overheard an overly familiar conversation about her. It always went along the lines of the following one way or another between students:

"Did you hear about Ayame Yamamoto? I heard she goes to our school!"

"Yeah it's true! She's in my class! She doesn't talk much though."

"Isn't she the successor of that famous recording company?"

"The Yamamoto Recording Company, if she's wealthy, what's she doing here?"

"Who knows. She probably wants to rub it in our faces. Those damn rich people think they're all that."

He did a quick research, whipping out his phone and googling her name as he blindly strolled past the crowds. Surely, with wealth like that, her face should be plastered all over the internet. And sure enough, her face was on there. It took him a good five seconds to recognize her, since the pictures depict her as someone with distinctive, pale blonde hair. Much paler than Tsukishima's. Almost white, if you squint. The girl who sat in front of Tsukishima did possess similar facial features, except her hair was black like coal.

Ayame Yamamoto huh... I wonder why she goes here...

His attention shifted from the phone to his surroundings as he reached the vending machines, approaching one and digging his pocket for some spare coins. There was this odd sensation in the back of his head, making the hairs jump as he slowly turned around to see three towering third years. Glaring with an intensity that could practically drill through his skull.

"Hey kid." One of them spoke in a taunting manner, his forehead wrinkled and beaded with sweat. "Be nice to your senpai and hand us your money."

Yamaguchi gulped in hopes to get the lump in his throat as he clumsily fished for coins and held it out to him, his hands trembling. "It's...It's all I have..."

Goddamn it. Where's Tsukishima when you need him?

"This is not enough." He said darkly, clearly unimpressed by his offer. One of his lackeys grabbed the lanky boy by the collar, drawing back his arm for a nice punch. Yamaguchi braced himself, grimacing as he held out his hands to cover his face. It seemed like an eternity, every second that passed by. The cool, spring air was thick with tension.

Oh god please spare me...

The long chain of silence was broken by the clattering of the vending machines across from us, making the trio shift their attention to the student. Yamaguchi's pupils widening in shock at who it was.

"Yamamoto Ayame." The third year with a bizarre mohawk haircut said, his smirk grew even wider, "you're that rich girl right? You wouldn't mind giving us some money, yeah?"

The girl turned around, her icy blue eyes are as cold as ever, glaring with just as much intensity as the third year. She punctured the straw through the juice box and began to sip as she continued to stare at them. Her face looks as if she was trying to study us. Nonchalantly, she took out her wallet and pulled out 1000 yen bills, and waved them, agitating the the third years.

"Even with all the money in the world, I wouldn't spare you a single yen." She said, a smirk tugging in her lips. "You're pretty pathetic for going three on one, not to mention with a first year. Have you got no pride in yourself?"

Well that isn't something you would expect.

The man who gripped Yamaguchi's shirt lets go of him, shifting his attention at the girl whilst cracking his knuckles.

"You might wanna watch what you say, little girl." He said through his gritting teeth.

It was indeed true: she's quite small in size, roughly a couple of centimeters shorter than Nishinoya. Shoving the bills back in her wallet, she continued to stare at him, a eerily calm aura surrounding her as the third year inched closer to her.

Yamaguchi wanted to sprint and report the teachers, but his feet was cemented on the floor, frozen stiff apart from the trembling of his knees. How could she have the guts to do this?

"I fucking hate spoiled bitches." He said before drawing back his right fist for a punch. In one swift movement, she evaded the the attack and drew her left leg back to smash against his cheek with the hard heel of her shoe, knocking out the opponent. Her indifferent expression did not falter, however, as she continued to slurp on the straw of her drink as she kicked him.

Yamaguchi's eyes grew wide at the sight of her kick. It must've taked a great deal of flexibility to kick a 180 cm third year in the face. Though the two second years seemed taken aback, they still attacked, sending punches and jabs at the girl. Surprisingly, she managed to nimbly dodge and knocked another third year out with her knee to his stomach. After evading a punch by a fraction of a second, she drew spun around, her right feet lifting from the floor and meeting the third years face with a good thud before hitting the floor.

She stood above the unconscious bodies as her chest heaved heavily from exhaustion. Those kicks must be taxing, he thought. Before he can thank her, she popped another drink in the vending machine - strawberry milk- and handed it to him.

"Sorry for the trouble..." She mumbled. This time her voice sounded a bit more soft and gentle. As she walked away, she bumped into Tsukishima, looking up and staring at him blankly for a brief moment before continuing to head back without another word.

"What took you so long? And why are you so pale?" He asked. Speechlessly, he pointed at the third years still slumped on the floor. The blonde's nose wrinkled at the sight.

"Tch. That girl..." He clicked his tongue, grabbing the strawberry milk that Yamaguchi held out before going back to class with the freckled boy trailing behind him.

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