Chapter 83: Dozen Roses

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Yachi Hitoka.

You may all known Ayame's very good friend at Karasuno, who typically is seen chatting along with her and the third year beauty Kiyoko. Being surrounded by Kiyoko, who can make a man's heart stop beating with a fleeting glance, and Ayame, who receives love letters on a regular basis, she can't help but feel a bit...intimidated.

Not that she feels jealous or whatnot, but in way, she felt a bit inferior and insecure about herself. Heck, I can't blame her for having Kiyoko and Ayame by her side during practice. She never bothered voicing it out to them, not wanting the two to get worried for something so silly. It's just that she felt that she possessed no attractive features, is all.

That's why she was confused when she found a dozen roses by her front doorstep.

It smelled of light perfume, sweet and fragrant with its petals bloomed in a warm shade of pink - like the color of the skies as the sun sets down the horizon in the summer haze. Of course, Yachi initially thought of this package to be misdelivered, perhaps it was asked of her to deliver it to Kiyoko or Ayame. Typical. Cowards at their worst, mocking her with stupid sweet-smelling flowers. However, her assumptions were put to rest when she spotted a small note hidden within the bundle of petals, plucking it out carefully.

For Yachi Hitoka.

That was all it said, written quite clumsily with black ink, as if the pen trembled slightly with each flick of a wrist. Even so, it did not fail to make her cheeks flush. To think it was for her.... Who might this person be?


"Roses?" Ayame repeated, her two friends examining Yachi and then back at the note. Yachi wordlessly nodded as a response, bashful and sheepish. Her friends wore a teasing smirk, patting Yachi's shoulders in a congratulatory manner.

"You're growing up fast, Yachi." Ayame said, "even with Kei, I still lack any expertise in this subject, so I can't give you any advice."

"But still..." Kiyoko mused. "I wonder who gave it to you..."

It was quite true, the only hint they have was the handwriting. Even with that, there are at least ten handfuls of boys who have clumsy, squiggly handwriting. It's gotta be one in hundreds of highschool boys in Miyagi. So much for being so vague.

"Say, Yachi. You said that you found it in the front of your house, right?" Ayame asked, analyzing the note in her hand.

"Er...Yeah. I found it this morning on my way here." Yachi answered.

"Hm. That means, the person knew you were the first one to leave the house - as if they knew your schedule. Or at least..." she shifted her gaze to the club members, who were in the middle of the receiving practice with Coach Ukai. "...have similar schedule as you do."

"Have you ever walked home with another schoolmate before? Maybe walk by someone who lived close by?"

Cluelessly, she shook her head. "I've always took the long way home to avoid crowds."

"So you're saying... That the only ones who have walked you home is us after practice?"

Not knowing where she's getting at, she nodded her head unsurely.

Shimizu added. "Sometimes... We stop by the Foothill Store for meatbuns, and it would get dark by then, so we all walk her home, since it's along the way."

The knowing smirk Ayame wore grew to a toothy mischievous grin. "Exactly. And that just helped me narrow it down to a few suspects. But even with that it's not enough..."

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