Chapter 77: Smart or Not

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Ah yes... the airport. The faint noises of planes taking off made their way through the huge glass windows. It was actually normal, until...

"Hinata! That conveyor belt is for the luggage!" Sugawara yelled at the first year. Hinata looked like a lost puppy, frantically running in the opposite direction of the moving belt. How the hell did he even get there?

"I- I'm sorry-!" He apologized clumsily, breathless as he continued sprinting. Hinata's cheeks suddenly puffed up, much to the confusion of the club members (and some bystanders that started gathering around them). He held a hand up his mouth, and it was then the realization had struck them. Don't tell me he's actually...?

"He's already- ?!" Yachi screamed in horror as Kiyoko pulled her aside- at least in a safe distance from the ginger.

"Don't get near him." She said calmly, looking anywhere else but the club members as if she doesn't know them.

"Kageyama, go get the bag!" Daichi ordered the setter, which took a great deal of restraint for the setter to abide. He just wanted to practically murder Hinata.

"To think that he would get nauseous before even getting on the plane..." Yamaguchi trailed off.

"I'll save you, Shoyou!" Nishinoya said heroically as he stepped foot on the belt. At first, his movements were shaky, knees wobbling as he reached the ginger and carried him much like a bride back to the safe immobile floors. The rest of the club members raised their eyebrows slightly, impressed by his strength as the bystanders applauded the libero.

Hinata's cheeks were still puffed up, and behind those cheeks were... Well... Kageyama opened up the plastic bag reluctantly, but the sight of Hinata looking so horrible made him rethink if he really want to be the one holding the bag. His face scrunched in disgust before retracting the bag back instinctively. Just right before the ginger can hunch over and release the left over curry he had for breakfast, which now splattered on Kageyama's plain white shirt. An unpleasant shade of burgundy now ruined it.

Are these... Are these really the Karasuno players that went toe to toe with Aobajousai?

Ryuuji asked himself this as he watched the mess unravel before him. The bystanders at the airport stared with him: Hinata hasn't even stepped foot on the plane, yet his face was white as a sheet. Kageyama looked could be easily mistaken as a murderer with his ominous aura... Noya and Tanaka were practically horseplaying, with Daichi and the Vice Captain barely keeping them in control. Ryuuji especially kept an eye on Noya, skeptically studying him as he mumbled.

"To think that a quiet libero would be so wild outside the court... And he got the best libero award last year too... Declining the invitation to attend Shiratorizawa because of the girl's school uniform..." This was a bit hard for him to wrap his mind around, especially since Ayame warned him about their skills in such a threatening manner. He would've imagined the his opposing team to be more...mature and intimidating outside the court.

It wasn't until Tsukishima spoke that snapped Ryuuji off his trance. Both men strayed away from the rest of the group, mostly because they don't want the bystanders to associate them with those embarrassing lot and their shenanigans. They sat from a safe distance at one of the empty seats, eyes fixed on the club members which are now aiding the pale Hinata.

"How long do we have to wait?" Tsukishima asks in the best indifferent tone he could muster, though some of the impatience seeped through.

"Ah... Well it takes about half an hour more to process your papers and make the Visas and passports."

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