Chapter 17: Meido

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Third Person POV:

        "Yamamoto-san, the truth is I like you! Please go out with me!" The boy said, who's cheeks are dusted with pink.

        "I appreciate your feelings for me, but I'm afraid I cannot return them. Sorry." She repeated the same phrase whenever she gets a sudden love confession, she had repeated it so much, that whenever she said it, the words came out monotonously like a robot.Ayame had always tried to be polite when it comes to confessions, not because she pitied them, but because she knew that confessing to someone face-to-face must've been nerve-wracking, especially since the boy confessed to her at the end of the team's after school practice, and glares were shot from almost everyone at the gym.

        "I-It's fine." He said before leaving.

        "You might wanna be a little bit meaner next time," Tsukishima suggested, rolling his eyes, "how many has it been for this week?"

        "Six." The girl sighed as she punctured the straw through the drink.Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Kageyama was eyeing her as she took a sip of her favorite beverage: stawberry milk.

        Ayame assumed that the setter was exhausted from training. Without a hint of embarrassment in her voice, she offered her drink to him, "do you want some? You've been staring at it for a while."

        The setter had a red flush in his cheeks - he didn't expect that she would catch him staring at her. Before he can stutter out his response, Nishinoya and Tanaka started to panic, waving their arms around frantically.

        "Th-That's an indirect kiss!" Noya pointed out. Kageyama thought of getting an indirect kiss from Ayame, his blush deepened so much that he buried his face with his hands.

        "Calm down, Noya senpai, you're acting like a middle schooler." She said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

        "He's certainly got the looks for it." Tsukishima took the opportunity for him to rile up the libero, which he succeeded in doing so.

        "You can't just go offering you drinks like that to other people, it's unsanitary." The gray haired setter scolded her, everyone was a little shocked to see Suga scold her like that.

        "I'm pretty sure Kageyama brushes his teeth regularly, but if it bothers you guys that much, then I take back my offer."

        "Ayame!" Coch Ukai waved his hand to get the girl's attention from the other side of the gym. She turned around and headed to him, making her coal-black locks sway in her direction.

        "Your first assignment as an official assistant," Coach Ukai said, he always tries to make ways to make the term 'coach's assistant' sound cooler, "is to collect information of each individual member. From their physical status, game sense, concentration, what boosts their morale,habits, basically any information that you might find useful."

        "Osu. I'll do my best." She saluted before walking back to the rest of the members.

        "Ayame is going to be with us the whole year~" Noya san sighed dreamily.

        "We should celebrate~! My sister knows a good place, I heard they make really good cakes!" The bald second year suggested. The word 'cake' earned Ayame's and Tsukishima's attention. Her eyes sparkled with desire, as she looked at them.

        "....cake?" She repeated, cocking her head to the side.

        "AYAME YOU'RE SO CUTE~!! I DIDNT KNOW YOU LIKE CAKES~!!" The two second years fangirled (fanboyed ??) too hard, tears in their eyes.

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