Chapter 73: Rules of Maid

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In the Yamamoto Estate, all the maids have come up with three golden rules. It was plastered on the worker's lounge in a grande picture frame, titled, The Rules of Maid. It goes like this:

1. Always look presentable in front of your master - not a single wrinkle in your uniform.

2. You must be obey your master's orders without question.

And most importantly...

3. Don't pry into your master's business.

"Ayame Yamamoto...?" One of the maids tilted her head in confusion at the sound of her name, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion. Her best friend tapped her index finger on the tip of her chin thoughtfully. The intrigued female looked young in comparison to most maids - eighteen years old to be exact. Her eyes- a deep shade of brown- flashed with curiosity as she stared at her friend.

"Oh, you don't know? Well, she did leave a couple months prior to your arrival..." She mused, backtracking her thoughts. "She's Master's daughter. Apparently, she'll be inheriting the company soon."

"Is she...Is she nice...?" She asked her, to which her friend replied with a shrug.

"She's okay... I mean, she doesn't talk much - nor make any expressions at all- even back then she doesn't anyways. I guess only change about her while she was gone was her hair. Dyeing it black..." She trailed off, picturing the girl she worked for four years ago. "...Though blonde hair definitely suited her better."

"I wonder why she left..."

"Hey! Hey! Did you hear?" A familiar voice interrupted, their heads turning to another maid - one who liked juicy gossip, that's for sure. The two exchanged uncertain looks before the bubbly female continued. "I heard she dated a commoner while she was in Japan! D'you think it's true?!"

The woman only laughed briefly before replying, "Mi-chan, that's got to be the most unrealistic rumor you've heard. Besides, you really shouldn't give out gossips of that kind so easily. Remember that time when people spread false rumors about Master being an abusive father? Stuff like that will leak out of this house and out to the press - the company's reputation will sky-drop for sure."

As if on cue, the kitchen clock gave a light ding - signaling them to go back to their duties.

"Help me out here, will you? Just ask Ayame-sama if she wants anything." The maid asked the youngest companion, who hesitantly nodded before taking off. Gosh, it was cruel of her friends to send her out...It's her first time directly asking someone after all! With her clumsiness and timid personality, she was always positioned as a sweeper. But this? The thought of facing someone authoritative and wealthy made her feel nauseous. With each and every step she took, her nervousness grew.

Step. How should I ask her?

Step. What if she doesn't want anything?

Step. What if I'm disturbing her?

Her brain spun with questions before she halted at the front of her door, straightening the crinkles of her uniform before knocking three times lightly with her trembling hands. That girl...she hasn't stepped outside her room ever since she came here. Caged up in her own room, isolated from the rest of the world. No wonder she came of as a standoffish individual.

"...Come in."

The maid creaked the door open slowly, signs of uneasiness shown in her features, especially in the light freckles that sprinkled across her face. She gave a weak smile, though she aimed for a more confident polite one. Which was greeted with Ayame's typical blank unemotional face. One that seems damaged, the maid noted.

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