Chapter 47: Ohohoho~?

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Ayame's POV:

Two days after the incident, and Tsukishima and I tried our best to evade each other as much as possible. I really feel guilty for what I did, I really did. But it feels as if my apology won't fix whatever was broken. I know Tsukishima won't apologize either, for he is too prideful for that.

Right now, I should just focus on formulating attack patters and search up some synchronized attacks on YouTube. I have no time to waste, since there's only two days left before the camp ends.

Sighing, I twirled my pen in my grasp as my eyes focused on the game, which we're losing badly to. But out of all five teams, I can tell that the team that nurtured the most will be Karasuno. When the game was over, the sky was already dark.

As I mopped the floors clean, I stumbled upon a towel on the floor. Picking it up, I scanned the towel to see if I possibly have an idea of who the owner is.

Third Person POV:

Every gymnasium in the camp was silent, lights turned off and swiped clean, ready for the next day. All except for one: you can still hear the faint yelling of Hinata and Kuroo as the sound of volleyballs slap against their skin. It was pretty late to still be training, roughly nine at night, but that didn't stop them from playing three on three.

While they were in the start of the first set, the door creaked open, revealing a girl with raven hair tied into a ponytail.

"Ohoho~?" Bokuto said with a smirk.

"Ohohoho~?" Kuroo repeated with his sly grin.

The girl raised her eyebrow at the two, weirded out by their stares. She scanned the gym until she found who she was looking for. She approached the boy while her hand grasped the towel, though she just used her forefinger and thumb to hold it, as it's soaked in sweat.

"Ayame! Came to watch us play?" The energetic ginger asked eagerly.

"Nope." She said in an uninterested manner. Then she lifted up the towel, "I believe this is yours? Your name is stitched into it."

"Who stitches their name into a towel?" Kuroo snickered at the flustered Hinata, who snatched the towel out of her grasp.

"Well, usually people put their name onto things they don't want to lose. So I'm guessing that towel's really important to you." She assumed, a smirk forming on her face. "Either that, or your mom has a habit of stitching your name onto things."

"Sh-She kept stitching it on even if I tell her not to!" He defended, crossing his arms grumpily.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." She retorted sarcastically. Her eyes wandered around the room for a moment, until she saw a specific someone from afar, Tsukishima, making her mildly surprised. Tsukishima? Practicing more than he should? Next thing you know, it'll snow at Sahara Desert.

As soon as their eyes locked, the girl turned on her heels and headed out the door.

"I'm going to sleep. Just clean the gym once you're done." She said to no one in specific, and just before she reached out for the door handle, Kuroo blocked her path.

"Hey, wait a second. Ayame-chan, you know a lot about volleyball, right? " He smirked at the girl as he draped his arm over her shoulder, making the tall blonde click his tongue. Kuroo immediately noticed his bitter remark, being a provocation expert he is, he pulled her closer to him and twirled the smooth, coal black strands of her hair playfully, making the blonde's eye twitch.

"Uh...I guess...?" She said, not a trace of blush on her cheeks.

"Well, we need someone knowledgeable to keep score and-"

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