Chapter 9: Bam! Pow! Whoosh!

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Third Person POV:

        Hinata's team is still struggling to score another point. Tanaka ran up to spike the ball, only to have it slowed down again by Ayame.

        "They were able to completely shut down the other team's spikes..." Suga trailed off in astonishment.

        Nishinoya received the chance ball, sending it back to the other side...

        or so they think.

        "It's coming back to us! Get ready!" Kageyama yelled, positioning himself to receive.

       Suddenly, Ayame came sprinting up the net and smacked her hand against the ball. It was landed right at the corner , barely getting in.

        Oh how she missed that stinging sensation.

        Daichi's team earned another point, 5-15, a ten point difference.

        It was Daichi's turn again to serve, so he hit the ball underhand. Hinata received it with his face again, sending it to the setter, this time, both Hinata and Tanaka sprinted up to the net. Her eyes were fixated on the bald wing spiker.

        Now which one is the decoy...Ah... There it is.

        Just as when Tanaka was about to spike, he saw a pair of arms - no - a wall looming over him. He spiked the the ball, only to be bounced back into their side. She saw through their attack.

        They scored another point. Eleven point difference.

        "A-AYAME!!" Hinata shrieked, making the girl flinch. Hinata looked as if he had seen a ghost, his face was pale and filled with worry, and he was lost for words.  "Y-YOUR HAND!"

        Confused, Ayame looked at her left hand, it was crimson red with fresh purple bruises. She was so absorbed into the game that she didn't even know that her hand is in deep pain.

        "Ohhh..." The rest of them sweatdropped at her oblivious nature.

        "Get her to the clinic! No call 119!" Takeda Sensei panicked.

        "We'll get you taped up," Shimizu said, taking out the first aid kit. The game continued and Ayame was substituted by Suga.

Ayame's POV:

        I tried to act as if my left hand felt fine, but I can't bear the pain anymore. I walked back to where Shimizu senpai is and she proceeded to wrap my left hand with a cooling band aid. Wincing, I clenched the hem of my shirt with my right hand. After a while, the pain subsided and my hand felt numb. The match was over, and Daichi's team won with 19-25.

        "Congratulations." I said, "Sorry I wasn't in the game throughout the whole thing."

        Suga-senpai looked concerned, "Does your hand feel any better?" I nodded.

        "Yeah. My hand is more used to a beach volleyball, which is softer than the ones you use here. That's probably why it started bruising so suddenly."

        "Oi.Congratulations" I looked behind me to see who it is.

        "Ah Kageyama, you guys did great." I said my lips curving into a smile. For some reason, his cheeks had a tint of pink, but it went away when the energetic ginger approached me.

        "Ayame, you were so cool! You were like bam! pow! whoosh!" He started jumping up and down. I wasn't able to comprehend what he was trying to say.

        "Right?!" Noya-senpai agreed.

        "Thank you...?" I turned to the person on my right, who happened to be Tsukishima.

        "What does 'bam pow whoosh' mean ?" I asked, half whispering.

        "Beats me." He shrugged.

       "Ayame Yamamoto. You single handedly turned the tides of the game with this!" Coach Ukai lifted his hand and poked my temple.

        "My brain...?" He nodded.

        "Your tactics are well thought out and resourceful. That's why your team won today."

        "We wouldn't have won if we didn't have these two defense specialists by my side." I pointed at Nishinoya and Daichi.

        "Would you like to be..." he paused for a moment, gaining the anticipation from almost everyone, "my assistant until the match at Nekoma?" I imagined myself sweeping the gym floors and setting up nets.

        "Assistant? I'm sorry, but I'm not good at folding nets and stuff like that. I already have a part time job, I don't wanna be a slave labor at school too. Thanks for the offer though." Tsukishima and Yamaguchi snickered for some reason, annoying the coach.

        "That's not what we meant, Ayame-san, meant we want you to help us come up with more tactics and help us get better." Suga senpai clarified.

        "And we'll put your scanning ability to use." Coach Ukai added.

        "Ohhh... I get it..."

        "You may be tactical, but in a way you're slow too." Tsukishima said. The others nodded at his statement.

        "Sure, I'll help out 'till the match at Nekoma. I'll be in your care till then." I beamed at them. Noya senpai and Tanaka senpai clenched their chest. They looked really happy to have me, with the exception of Tsukishima of course but I did notice that he reacted similarly to Kageyama earlier, his cheeks were tinted with pink. I haven't had so many friends, so knowing that I'll have people by my side...

        Ah... This feels so nice.


Now we're going on the canon route. We'll start at the camp part of the plot. The story and it's characters (with the exception of Ayame Yamamoto) belong to Haruhi Fudurate.

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