Chapter 51: Naozumi

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AN: Holy smokes nine thousand views. Is this real life, or am I just dreaming?

Third Person POV:

Everyone seems to be noticing something odd recently about a particular girl. Not only she yawns every five minutes during practices, but they would catch her scribbling at her notebook: tongue sticking out slightly, eyebrows furrowed, with periodical sighs and nose-bridge rubbing. After practice, the ginger noticed this and immediately took action.

"Ayame! If keep stressing out, you'll have even more wrinkles than Kageyama in the future!!" Hinata warned, worried of his friend.

"SHUT UP!!" The raven haired setter grabbed the energetic Hinata by the head and squeezed it as if he were trying to crush his skull. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, as expected, would find the two simpletons amusing and snickers. The girl didn't lift her eyes off of the notebook and continued to scribble aggressively.

"What's keeping you busy anyways...?" Noya peered over her shoulder, but before he got the chance to steal a glance, she shut the notebook close.

"It's nothing. Just some attack patterns for Spring High." She mumbled, refusing to meet anyone in the eye. Tired, she yawned once more.

This is harder than I initially thought...

As if on cue, the gym doors door creaked open, revealing a familiar looking boy, looking a little unsettled by the stares he's recieving. His deep, brown eyes scanned around the room, searching for a specific someone.

"Uh... Is a girl by the name Ayame here?" He said, entering the gym cautiously. He's about the height of Hinata, so he's fairly short, at least in comparison to everyone at the gym. The two second years shot the poor boy death glares, scrutinizing him from head to toe as they stood right behind Ayame protectively.

"What business might you have with our Ayame?" The baldy asked with a grim, intimidating voice, making the boy's shoulders tense up.

"Are you here to steal our precious angel?" Noya added, his ferocious glare can practically burn though the guy's forehead.

"Stop that." Ayame scolded, hitting the two second years lightly with the back of her hand.

The two sighed dreamily and chorused, "we've been hit by Ayame~"

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her bag off the bench and then gave him an apologized look, "sorry about that, Naozumi-san. Let's go?" The said boy nodded, leaving the gym with her by his side. Faintly, the rest of the team members can hear their conversation as they headed out.

"I've have it." She said, taking a glance to make sure her notebook is in her bag.

"Let's try it out tonight." The boy replied.

As soon as the doors swung close, all you can hear were the horrified screams of the two second years. Everyone seems to be in disbelief, including Yachi.

"Is that the boy Ayame likes?! Isn't it a little bit too early?!" The words slipped right out of her mouth.


Now that got everyone's attention.

"WHAT?!" Noya screeched.

"AYAME HAS SOMEONE SHE LIKES?!" Hinata added. The girl shook her head vigorously, trying to convince everyone otherwise, but they didn't seem to buy her lie.

Forgive me, Ayame! Yachi thought, comical tears streaming out of her eyes. Yamaguchi glanced at his blonde friend in concern, who just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Like I care..." He mumbled to himself, lying.

For him, this is a sudden life or death situation: either she likes that Naozumi guy, Oikawa, or (in high doubts) himself. There was this churning feeling in his stomach, and he doesn't like it. He thought maybe it would be better if she didn't like Naozumi. He thought that there was something about him. Something...Sketchy. Maybe because of his lack of familiarity to him, and that's how he came to distrust the boy.

He gave into his curiosity and whipped out his phone, tapping aggressively as the rest of the club members interrogate Yachi.

[ Oi. Don't stay up too late. What are you doing with that guy anyways? ]

After a minute or two, (which seemed like an eternity for him) he received a reply from her. Immediately, he opened the message.

[That's confidential.]

Well that's definitely odd. Typically she would simply tell the truth, for she was an open book to everyone. But this - a secretive Ayame? There's something fishy going on...Tsukishima quickly reviewed his memories, for his name did ring a bell... Naozumi...

And that's when he remembered his name being mentioned back at the apartment, when all the first years slept overnight to study for the exams. His nose scrunched up in disgust as he recalled the conversation between her and Tachibana.

"Naozumi? He's the one that bakes back the kitchen, right?"

"He likes you, if you haven't noticed yet!"

There was this unpleasant, boiling feeling on the pit of his stomach. Maybe he ate too much? No. As much as he'd try to lie, a part of him knows what this obnoxious sensation is. The bitter taste in his tongue went back, and it's stronger than ever.


Oh how badly he wanted to get those two separated, but the problem is: he is in no position to tell her to. Is he her boyfriend? Nah. Is he a protective relative of hers? Nope, definitely not. So what the hell is he supposed to do?

The poor blonde was drowned in his thoughts. Up until the moment he closed his eyes and attempted to drift off to slumber, but he barely got a blink that night.

This girl is driving him crazy.

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