Chapter 18: The Grand King

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        In Oikawa Tooru's world, girls were never a problem for him to deal with. With his attractive physical appearance and flirtatious personality, he can make girls swoon over him in an instant. He can turn any female he wishes into his fangirl with a wink of an eye, or the charming smile on his lips. So when he saw a girl in a maid outfit making the guy he loathes, Kageyama Tobio, stutter and blush like an idiot, he knew exactly what to do.

        It's not that he was attracted to her - she was cute - but that's the only good thing that he noticed out of her. At least, for now.

        "May I ask for your name?" He purred in the most charming way as possible as he looked into her blue eyes. He expected a blush or some sign of embarrassment or swooning, but the girl just stared back at him with a blank expression.

        She's a harder fish to catch huh...

        "Ayame." That's all she said as she sets down Hinata's drink.

        "Do you really want me to call you by your first name that bad?How cute~" He flirted - he thinks it's working - since the girl wants him to call her by her first name.

        "Don't feel special. Everyone calls her that." Tsukishima retorted, his words full of poison.

        "Ah, it's because I hate my last name." What she said was true: being called by her last name always serves as a reminder that she's related to her father; that she that she belongs to her father. She hates it the most when people treat her differently just because of her father's fame and riches. Besides, it's troublesome when they start bombarding her with questions as to why she's here and all that.

        "Ayame-chan! You can go and eat with your friends now, you're on break!I'll handle the rest! I got you a cherry cheesecake, my treat." Tachibana handed Ayame the tray filled with cakes, nodded her thanks and served the sweets to the Karasuno Volleyball players. After that, she sat down beside Hinata and took a bite out of the cheesecake.

        Oikawa, who's not going to give up so easily, took a seat from the nearest empty table and placed it beside Ayame's chair. He sat down beside her, getting glares from almost everyone at the table, which he didn't seem to mind - in fact it made him try a little harder. Iwaizumi followed his actions and sat right beside Oikawa, who's also unaware of what the brunette's intentions are.

        "May I help you?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

        "Ayame-chan~ can you please explain me why a cute girl like you are hanging out with those people?"

        Noya threatened, "oi! If you're gonna try to flirt with our Ayame -"

        "I don't belong to anyone. I'm the Coach's assistant at their volleyball club."

        "Eh?! You guys got a coach?"

        "I'm sorry, but I'm wondering what you're trying to accomplish here. Who are you?" She said before placing another piece of cheesecake on her mouth. Oikawa feigned an offended look as a Tsukishima and Yamaguchi snickered at her rude remark.

        "Don't you know who I am?"

        "Don't you know who she is?" Tsukishima retorted. Oikawa ignored him.

        "Oikawa Tooru. Aobajousai's volleyball captain. Say, Ayame-chaan, what kind of guys do you like~?" He purred in an alluring manner. His statement lighted a fuse in almost everyone at the table.

        The raven haired setter finally had his outburst. "OI! OIKAW-"

        "Whaaaaat? Don't you wanna know too, Tobio-chan~?" Well that shut him up. Everyone fixated their eyes on Ayame, who showed no signs of embarassment.

        "I don't get what you mean by 'type of guy', you can't just put a person in one specific category - that's shallow. Besides, I don't really have a preference." She shrugged. Her response took the brunette by surprise.

        You're more interesting that I thought...

        Their conversation got interrupted by the high pitched noise emitted by a mic. Everyone's heads turned to the counter to see a karaoke machine and a maid, Tachibana.

        "We would like to present you our house's singer, Ayame Yamamoto about to sing a song!" The costumers clapped their hands and started whooping, they seem to be regulars at the cafe, so they're aware of who she is. Iwaizumi and Oikawa stared at the girl before them in awe, while the rest of the Karasuno volleyball members shot them an damn-right-that's-true look.

        "I don't remember agreeing to this..." Ayame mumbled as she stood up from her seat, straightened the crinkles on her uniform, and made her way to the karaoke machine.

        "I didn't know Ayame-san sings." The gray haired setter said. A small smirk crept onto Tsukshima's face as he recalled the rumored rooftop ghost singer.  

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