Chapter 55: Enemy's Territory

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Man, that picture took me 5+ hours to draw and my finger hurts like heck. I'm not an artist, so this is the best that I could do. Based on a meme, I do not own the idea, only the drawings shown.


I am in an enemy's territory.

Ayame gulped nervously, hopefully getting rid of the tightness in her throat. Taking in a deep breath, she walked inside the school campus. Taking in all of the surroundings: the crickets chirping in the midst of the summer heat, the faint squealing of girls, and the tall, shady trees surrounding the courtyard.

Aobajousai High.

As expected of a top four in the Miyagi prefecture, the school buildings are fairly huge in comparison to the simplistic Karasuno High. The environment is well kept, the flowers blooming in vibrant hues, the green grass swaying along with the gentle wind, it was simply serene. This school is way different than the regular Karasuno High.

The girl can't help but feel intimidated, stepping into a school she doesn't belong in. But why the hell is she here, you ask?


"Finish the heart...?" Ayame tilted her head in confusion, squinting slightly at the photo Oikawa sent her. Tsukishima took his height to his advantage and peeked over her phone, and then grabbing it from her grasp.

Flipping his middle finger up, he took a snap of the photo and sent it as a reply to the brunette, who was probably expecting a vulgarity-free reply from Ayame.

A few passing minutes of practice's break later, her phone rang.

"Assikawa-san , just let it go."

"Glasses-kun has a pretty bad mouth, don't you think?!"

"Technically, it didn't come from my mouth..." Tsukishima retorted, stifling his snickers.

"Geh!" The brunette scoffed in reply, and then quickly recovered to his cheerful state, "Anyways, Aya-chan, can you come here for tomorrow's practice? I really want you to see me play!!" He invited, clearly excited for the following day.

Ayame quirked an eyebrow at him, "Sorry, but -"

"Yup. she'll be there." Coach Ukai interrupted, snatching the phone off of his assistant's grasp before she could finish.

"HA?!" All the club members chorused in disbelief.

"Great! I'll see her tomorrow then~"

The call ended with everyone giving Coach Ukai dirty looks, including Ayame.


"I mean I get that he's curious on what they're up to, but seriously..." She mumbled under her breath, sighing. Coach Ukai bribed her with a week worth of supply of strawberry milk, so she couldn't just turn down the offer. The coach asked her to scan each individuals' physical statuses. Such as how much they've improved since last time and other important information they might find. Isn't this called spying?

Well, the Aobajousai team should've already known that's to be expected, inviting a rival in one of their practices, that is. Perhaps they want to give Karasuno a warning for Spring High.

But man, 'warning' is a huge understatement to what she'll witness once she steps foot inside the gym.

She carefully creaked the gym doors open, hopefully not distracting anyone with her entrance. But it seems that the team was on break, so everyone was on the sidelines, cooling down. The poor girl was immediately tackled to a hug by the team's setter, almost toppling over.

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