Chapter 5: Introductions

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        The sound of volleyball hitting the players' forearms reverberates through the gym. They were able to pull off the offensive attack after performing it a couple of times. The bald player - one of the two that accompanied me to Daichi's class - was getting fired up, taking his shirt off and waving it around like crazy. I sweatdropped at his behavior and sat down at the bench.

        It was getting dark when their practice finally ended, and everyone was cooling down from the rigorous practice.

        "Ayame-san," I looked up to see who it is. It's the gray haired boy, upon looking at his smiling face,I noticed that he has a mole right under his left eye. "Do you have any experience in volleyball?"

        "It depends on which kind, I'm not that experienced in indoor volleyball, but I guess I can say that I'm decent at beach volleyball. I used to play two on two with my brother a lot when we were kids." I recalled, when it comes to talking about my brother, it never fails to make me happy.

        "You have a brother?"

        I nodded. "Older brother. He's a third year and plays for Shiratorizawa." Everyone froze at the school name. A ginger, who's around my height approached me and grasped my shoulders tightly. Everyone flinched at the sight of someone laying their hands on me.

        "Tell your brother," he looked into my eyes with great determination, "that we'll defeat them at Inter-High!"

        "Oi. Don't go laying hands on people like that." Kageyama said, dragging the ginger away by his collar.

        "Sorry about that," The gray haired person apologized.

        "What's your name...?" I asked.

        "Sugawara Koushi. 3rd year, I'm the Vice Captain." He introduced. He pointed to a guy and said, "that's Asahi, he's a third year also.He's the school's ace." Asahi-senpai stiffened at the word ace and got pale.

        "Is he okay?" I tried approaching him, but it only made the colors on his face drain even more.

        "N-nice to meet you..." He muttered. Although Asahi-senpai looks the toughest of them all, his behavior contradicts it, he seems very timid.

        "Nice to meet you too, Asahi-senpai." I greeted. Fortunately, his face started to regain color again.

        Suga pointed at the two guys that are hiding behind his shoulders using his thumb. The guy on the left was near my height too, and locks of his hair at the front was bleached. The guy on the the right was bald and both guys looked at me intently.

        "These two are the ones that took you to Daichi's class right?" I nodded. Suga pointed at the shorter guy first "Nishinoya." Then he pointed at the baldy, "Tanaka. They're both second years."

        "Why are they looking at me like I'm some kind of wild beast?"

        "They're really shy when it comes to girls." Suga-senpai sweatdropped.

        "Nishinoya-senpai, Tanaka-senpai, you don't have to be so nervous, I'm not gonna bite or anything." I stated bluntly. The two suddenly wore a smile on their face and pumped their fist.

"She called us senpai~ !" The second years shouted jubilantly, their eyes filling with tears. Okay these guys are overreacting...

        Suga-senpai doesn't seem to mind, it's as if he had gotten used to their antics."...and these two are first years," he pointed to a raven haired boy who seems intimidating and the hyper ginger that grabbed my shoulders earlier. Suga-senpai gestured his right hand first, pointing to the taller boy. "Kageyama, and -"

        "Hinata Shoyo!" He yelled. He seems fairly short for a middle blocker position... As I scanned his build, I noticed that his leg's physical statistics are incredibly high. Confused, I rubbed my eyes. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me. I continued to stare at him,and he stiffened slightly. No, it must be true then...

        After a few seconds of silence, I reached out my arm and pointed at Hinata. He flinched at my sudden motion.

        "You... How high can you jump?"

        Hinata smiled widely and said," I can jump..." He took in a breath, bended his knees, and launched himself onto the air, "this high!" I felt my eyes widen at the sight. You don't see jumps like that, not even in national volleyball matches I see on television. Is he flying...?

        "Mo..." I trailed off, speechless of the ginger's jumping power.

        "Mo?" The other players repeated, confused by what I said.

        "....Monster." I said bluntly. Apparently what I said really got to Hinata, since I <figuratively> saw an arrow go through his chest. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi started snickering in the back, angering the short middle blocker.

        "Tsukishima! Yamaguchi! Introduce yourself to Ayame!" He demanded, gaining the attention of the two.

        "We already did, she's in our class." Tsukishima retorted.

        "She sits right in front of Tsukki." Yamaguchi added.

        "TSUKISHIMA, YOU LUCKY BASTARD!!" Nishinoya-senpai and Tanaka-senpai yelled. Tsukishima looked irritated by their sudden outburst, so he put on his headphones and ignored the two second years as they began to bawl.

        "How did you know about Hinata's jump?" Kageyama asked.

        "...don't tell me..." Coach Ukai mumbled, his eyes are showing curiosity,"you have a scanning ablility?"

        Everyone looked confused except for me, I nodded. Coach Ukai was speechless.

        "Scanning..." Hinata started.

        "Ability?" Kageyama finished. Coach Ukai snapped out it and cleared his throat.

        "Scanning ability is a skill that enables the user to scan a person's build and can easily read their physical information. This girl right here just scanned Hinata's build and recognized that his ability to jump high. That skill is pretty rare to find though."He scratched the back of his head.

        "I only know one other person with this ability. She is a famous basketball coach by the name Riko Aida, but I've never seen one in person...until now that is." ((Hohoho ~KNB reference *wink wonk*))

        The whole gym was filled with 'oooohhh' s. I just shrugged my shoulders, not knowing how to respond. I took a glance at the clock hanging on the gym wall 7:10 pm. 

        "I gotta go. The general store has a good deal on eggs today." I grabbed my bag and waved my hand goodbye.

        "Bye Ayame-san! See you tomorrow!" Suga-senpai waved back. The others waved goodbye too, with the exception of Tsukishima of course.

        See you tomorrow...? Those words echoed my in my head as I left the school campus.

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