Chapter 29: A Gamble

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Third Person POV:

As soon as the Karasuno team entered the gymnasium, screams of Oikawa's fangirls brought misery to the girl's ears.

"Kyaaaaa~ Oikawa-kun good luck!" A girl squeaked in the highest pitch possible.

"I found something more irritating than Dateko's cheers," Ayame mumbled, rubbing my temples. After watching the videos in a loop last night, she can't help but feel nervous - she found that Oikawa is skilled service ace, and not to mention that guy brings out the best in each team member, especially his teammate, Iwaizumi-san.

"Aya-chan~!" She turned around to see who it is. And much to her, and everyone else's dismay, it's Oikawa.

"What do you think you're doing?! Ya wanna fight?!" Tanaka held up his fist.

"Yeah! You wanna fight?!" Hinata repeated his senpai.

"Assikawa-san, I think you should go warm up like everyone else." She waved him off dismissively, but this guy is persistent.

"I'll get straight to the point, then. Let's make the game more interesting, shall we~? If Karasuno wins this match, I'll teach you one of my serves." What he said sparked her interest. If she teaches her how to serve, then she can share that knowledge to their team's service aces. She looked up at him, meeting his cocoa brown eyes with her blue ones and arched an eyebrow.

"And if we don't...?"

"And if you don't..." He lifted up her chin once more, their noses only an inch apart, screams of girls only got louder along with the two, infuriated, second years, "you have to go on a date with me."

While everyone's anticipating for her answer, an inner conflict arises in Ayame's mind.

If I say yes, there's a risk that it'll boost our teams morale, or it'll put them under pressure. But saying no will send a message that I have no faith in my teammates, thus lowering their drive. There's still a fair chance of winning, but there's still a fair chance of losing. This is a gamble.

"Do we have a deal, Aya-chan~?" He said as he held out his hand. She turns her head to Coach Ukai for help, for he always knows what's best for the team, but when their eyes met, he only shrugged. God damn it, Coach.

"...Deal." She grumbled as she shook his hand. His lips curved into a sly smile, skipping away merrily.

"Why?!" The two second years cried comical tears. Similarly to what she did last time, she placed her hand on their shoulders and hesitantly, she half whispered, "I agreed, because I have faith in you guys."

Fortunately, what she said really got to them pumped up. There was a fiery aura that surrounded the two, Noya shouted determinedly, "WE'LL SAVE YOU FROM THAT GUY, AYAME!"


She sat down beside coach at the benches and sighed heavily, "I don't know if I made the right decision."

"Don't overthink it. Being in a difficult situation like that, I wouldn't know what to pick either. It's all up to them now." His eyes remained focused on the team.


Ayame's POV:

The whistle blew, thus starting their third official match, Karasuno vs. Aobajousai.

"LET'S HAVE A GOOD GAME!" They all yelled in unison. I noticed that once Aobajousai stepped foot on the court, their demeanor changed from excitement, to calm. Not the serene calm, but the eerie calm. I hate to admit it, but just looking at Oikawa gives me goosebumps.

The first point was earned by Aobajousai, after Oikawa performed a dump shot.

"Dammit..." The coach cursed under his breath.

"His form is clean, you really can't tell if he's going to do a dumpshot or not." I added, rubbing the bridge of my nose. The squeals of girls only grew louder.

"Oikawa-senpaiiii is so cool~!" A girl blubbered with tears streaming down her face.

It was the other team's serve, and as expected, Noya-senpai was able to receive and return it to the setter. All of the three vanguards ran up to the net, but Tanaka-senpai seems extra vigilant on his part.

"It's going to number five, huh..." Takeda Sensei said.

"-or so it would seem." I muttered as my lips curved to a malicious smile. Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei immediately scooted away from me upon seeing my face. The other team realized that it was a dumpshot, but they were a fraction of a second late. Karasuno earns another point. Aobajousai rotated. Shit. It's Oikawa's serve.

The game continued with Aobajousai on a lead, and we can't seem to close widening gap. Tensions rose between Kageyama and Oikawa: a setter showdown. He's gotten so sucked up into the whole rivalry going on, he was paying too much attention to a small detail, that he can't see the big picture. He's losing his composure.

"Coach, I think he should sit out." I suggested.

"I think so too."

The whistle blew, and Kageyama was switched out with Suga-senpai. He turned his head to me and beamed confidently.

"Go do your best." I smiled back brightly to him and flashed a thumbs up. His cheeks turned pink before he stepped onto the court. He must be really happy that an opportunity opened up for him to show his skills.

You can already feel the positive vibe ever since he stepped into the court.

"Okay! It'll be fine! We'll break their streak in one go!" He smiled cheerfully, which relieved the heavy tension with his teammates. They were able to break their streak.

But in the end, Seijou took the first set.


seriously I need to improve on how to write action scenes;; sorry if you haven't read the manga and decided to read this ;v;

Thank you all so much for 1000 views! Sorry for the lack of romance fluff, the next chapter will have more Tsukishima x Ayame, so yeah~

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