Chapter 6: Rolling Thunder

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        It was after school, and almost all of the students have taken their leave, while I'm here, on classroom duty again because the one in charge was absent. After I wiped the blackboards clean, I headed to the school entrance to grab my shoes. Upon opening my locker, I noticed that there was an envelope placed on top of my shoes. I frowned slightly. My hands reached out for the envelope, carefully unraveling it.

        This is my fifth love letter for this week, and it's only Wednesday.

        "Ayame!" A shout echoed in the hallway, startling me. The faint sound footsteps grew louder as a boy with bright orange hair came jogging - no - more like sprinting in my direction. When he finally reached me, he was panting heavily, sneaking words in between breaths.

        "" He wheezed. I stared at him confused.

        "I need you to breathe normally, or I won't be able to understand you." I replied as I slipped my shoe onto my right foot and then proceeding to do the same with my left. After a few more seconds of panting, he was able to speak properly.

        "You should come watch us practice!" I was mildly surprised by his sudden invitation. I really don't see the reason behind attending their volleyball practices other than yesterday's, it's not like I'm involved in the club or anything. But seeing Hinata's excitement, I see no harm done in watching them practice. Fortunately for me, I have a day off from work today.

        "Yeah, sure why no- " before I finished, Hinata suddenly grabbed my wrist and started sprinting his way to the gym. I was barely able to keep up with this his fast pace, and my sides began to pain. When we finally reached the gym, I yanked my wrist away from his grasp and hunched over, resting my arms hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

        "Ayame! Came to watch us practice today?" Suga-senpai asked.

"I have nothing better to do anyways." I replied after catching my breath. When I finally looked up, I saw a gorgeous girl in a jet black track suit standing right behind Suga-senpai. She had shoulder length black hair and had a mole right near her lips.

        "Oh. You didn't get to meet our manager yesterday, right?" I nodded.

        "Nice to meet you. I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, third year." She introduced, her lips curving into a smile. I heard the two second years woo at her.

        "I'm Ayame Yamamoto, but please call me Ayame. It's nice to meet you too, Shimizu senpai." I shook her hand.Unfortunately, the girls at school aren't very fond of me, so it feels pleasant to finally meet a girl that can tolerate me for a change. I can't help but beam at her. I felt a bright, flowery aura emit from Shimizu-senpai and I.

        "They're too bright!" The bald second year squinted his eyes while using his hands to shield himself.

        "My eyes!" Swooning, Nishinoya clenched his chest.

        "WATCH OUT!" A a voice screeched across the gym. When I glanced at where the sound came from, a volleyball went zooming in my direction. Swiftly, I held my arms out to receive the ball. The volleyball slammed against my forearms, causing to stop spinning and jump back right up in the air. It flawlessly landed inside the cart where all of the other volleyballs are stored. Everyone was dead silent.

        "DUMBASS!DUMBASS STUPID HINATA!" The setter broke the silence, causing me to flinch.

        "I-I'm sorry!" Hinata apologized.

        "It's fine, at least no one got hurt."

        "Another strong receiver huh?" Coach Ukai grinned.

        "You just pulled a rolling thunder move!" Nishinoya grinned in trimphance, holding a thumbs up. Rolling thunder? Isn't that just a normal receive?

        "Nice regular receive, Ayame!" Tanaka senpai complimented, emphasizing 'regular recieve' to anger the libero while trying to stifle his laughter.

        "Teach me! Teach me the rolling thunder!" The ginger begged, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

        "Hora, Hora, Daichi will get mad at us!" Suga senpai half whispered half yelled. Daichi's patience was getting tested, so the two second years got pale and followed the Captain's orders.

        As they continued practicing, Shimizu senpai sat down on the bench and tapped her hand on the spot beside her, gesturing me to go sit down. I followed her and sat down while we both watched the volleyball players start stretching.

        "Ayame-san!" The gray haired setter approached in my direction."Would you like to join us play 3 on 3?"

        "I don't think that's possible, since I have these on." I pointed to the ash gray skirt that I was wearing.

        "Oh." Senpai replied with a hint of disappointment.

        "You can borrow my clothes." Shimizu-senpai offered. I bowed my head gratefully, and she proceeded to hand me a pair of shorts and a white shirt.

        "You can go get changed at the Club room.It's the building right next to us, second floor on the third door to your left."

        "We'll take you there~!" The two second years yelled in unison. Shimizu senpai smacked their heads with her notebook, causing them to swoon even more.

        "We've been hit by Kiyoko-san~" They both sighed dreamily.

        "I'll take you there." Shimizu senpai said, so I tagged along her as she left the gym.

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