Just My Luck.

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I ran out of the classroom with tears stinging my eyes. I just couldn't stand being in that room anymore. I ran into the bathroom, not caring if it was the boys or girls. The urinals on the wall answered that question. If I get caught in here I will be suspended. Another thing to add to the misery building up in my life.

Someone interupted my thoughts by bursting through the door. I stood up on the toilet so whoever it was wouldn't see me.

I peered through the crack on the stall, Niall Horan was fixing his hair in the mirror. I have had a crush on him since primary school.

I smiled, and like the sly fox I am, I fell off the toilet.

Niall quickly turned around, looking confused, "Who's there?"

Shit. I opened the door awkwardly, I looked in the mirror, I still had tears running down my cheeks and my face was bright red.

"What are you doing in here?" Niall asked, still looking confused.

"I- uhm- I j-just ran in here. I uh, didn't know it was the boys bathroom. I'm sorry, I'll just leave."

Niall turned around and grabbed hold of my wrist lightly, "Are you alright?"

No. "Yeah."

"No you aren't. What is wrong?" Niall asked me with the most sincere look in his crystal blue eyes.

"You haven't got enough time to hear about how much shit I have to deal with." I mumbled sarcasticly.

"Come on, let's go somewhere. We can talk, looks like you have a lot on your mind." Niall said smiling at me.

I sighed, "Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Trust me, you aren't the only one who wants to get out of here." He said smirking at me.

---Niall's POV---

We walked to the park down the street from the school. We didn't talk on the way there, but I didn't mind. We didn't need to talk, I just liked being around her. She has that energy that just makes a person smile.

"You sit here, I'll go get us some coffee." I told her as she sat down on the bench awkwardly.

I turned my head around to get a glance of her, she looks so somber and fragile. She is obviously going through some rough times right now. I really want to get to know her, I want to help her. I have actually had feelings for her for awhile now, not that it mattered, I have Jolene. I am lucky to have her, considering I'm not really good with girls. Eleanor was different, it is like I have known her forever. Jolene isn't one of the nicest people though. She actually treats Eleanor the worst out of anyone else at our school.

"Two Oreo Mocha's please."

"Who are these for?"

"Nialler and Queen Eleanor" I told the woman behind the counter, who gave me a strange look. That sounds good together. A whole lot better than Niall and Jolene.

"Here you are"

I handed the woman five dollars and turned to leave, "Thank you!"

---Eleanor's POV---

Niall and I walked to the park down the street from the school. We didn't talk on the way there and I was starting to think he was really uncomfortable with me, but he was grinning ear to ear. I love his teeth. They are really crooked, but it makes him unique and I like it.

"You sit here and, I'll go get us some coffee." Niall told me, still smiling.

I never thought that I would actually be speaking to him. He is really nice as far as I know. I just can't believe he is dating Jolene, the person who has the biggest effect on my self esteem, and not in a good way. They are nothing alike, I don't see why he is intrested in her.

I saw him walking back with a Starbucks cup in each of his hands. I smiled weakly at him when he looked my way. I normally would be elated to see him but today just wasn't one of those better days.

He handed me my coffee and sat next to me.

I looked over at him and chuckled, "Queen Eleanor?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I thought it sounded cool." He said shrugging.

"What does your's say?"

"Nialler" He said laughing.


We sat there for awhile sipping at our coffee. He somehow managed to get me my favorite coffee. We chatted for awhile then we were silent. Not an uneasy type of silent, but a comforting kind. I loved being around him. His company is all I need.

After awhile he looked down at me, "Do you want to talk about earlier?"

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