Chapter 7

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"Mom!" we all screamed as we jumped out of our hiding spots.

Everyone, except for Niall and me, ran at her and hugged her.

After my siblings quit attacking her, Niall and I walked over to her. I gave her a huge hug and she told me she missed me.

My mom smiled and looked at Niall, "And who is this?"

"Mom, this is Niall"

"It's very nice to meet you Niall"

Niall stuck out his hand to shake hands with her but she just smiled.

"I don't shake hands, come here" She said grinning and pulled him into a hug.

"El, why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?"

I blushed and glanced at Niall. "Mom he's not my boyfriend. He's my bestfriend"

"Oh! Well it's really nice to meet you Niall."

"You too, um, what should I call you?"

"Karen" my mom said smiling. I could already tell they would get along well.

We ate the dinner that Peter and Emmy prepared, I cannot cook to save my life, and then we all hungout in the living room. We watched Grease, its me and Niall's favorite movie, and when it ended my mom said she was exhausted from her flight, so she was going to bed.

"Peter can you go give Andy his bath while I give Elise hers?"

"Sure thing"

I looked over at Niall, "You can do whatever you want, we are all sleeping in the play room" I told him as I picked up Elise.

Emmy and Niall went to the play room and I went to give Elise her bath.

I sat her in the tub and turned the water on. Since she turned five she insisted wearing her bathing suit while she took her bath.


"Yeah Eli?"

"Do you like Niall?"

"Like a friend or a boyfriend?"


I sighed and flashed a weak smile at my little sister, "Of course I do, but he has a girlfriend"

"I think he likes you though"

"If he did he would tell me"

"He already told me."

"What!?" I screamed

"Niall told me he likes you."

"As a friend?"

"No as a girlfriend!"


"Before you met his dad"

I pulled her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel.

"Do you want to sleep in the big kids room with us tonight?"

"Yes! Is Andy?"

"I would think so. Now go get dressed, Emmy and Niall are in the big kids room already"

I took a shower and put on my Olympian shirt and Jack Wills sleep shorts.

I didn't bother drying my hair. I grabbed my iPhone and jogged into the 'big kids room'

Peter, Emmy and Andy were sitted on the couch with Elise in Peter's lap, and Niall was sitting on the ground. Niall's face lit up when he saw me.

I walked over to him and sat in his lap.

"I don't see why you two aren't dating" Peter said as he changed the channel to South Park.

"Me either" I mumbled.

Niall didn't seem to notice.

After awhile I looked around and Emmy, Andy, and Elise were all sleep.

"Peter take Elise and Andy to their room"

"Okay, what do you want me to do about Emmy?"

"I've got it."

I picked up Emmy and took her to her room. I set her on her bed and layed her blanket over her.

As I was leaving the room I heard her mumble, "Goodnight El"

I smiled and walked back to the play room. Niall was the only one left in there now.

He had pulled out the pull out couch and was laying under the blankets and he looked adorable.

I laughed when I saw him. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a photo of him.

"You look adorable!" I giggled and showed him the photo.

"It's one of my many charms"

We both started laughing and Niall took my phone.

"Lets take pictures!"

"Hah, okay"

We took a few good photos of us smiling and a ton of silly ones. In one of the silly ones he kissed my cheek and my cheeks got really red.

I uploaded them to facebook and Jolene commented on a few of them.





I showed Niall and he sighed and pulled his hair back.

"I have got to breakup with her already."

I smirked and handed him my phone, "Do it now then"

"Should I?"

"Yes! I want to hear this!" I put it on speaker and dialed Jolene's number.





"Who's phone are you using?"

"Eleanor's. Look there is something I need to tell you"

"Anything, love"

"I think that we should breakup."


"Did she put you up to this?"

"No Jolene."

"Fine! I hope you have fun at your fucking sleepover with that whore."

Niall hung up and handed me my phone.

We both started dying.

After awhile he looked at me, "I hope you don't think that anything she says to you is true, because it's not."

"Thanks Niall" I said smiling.

We were staring into eachother's eyes and I could feel him inching closer to me. Finally, he kissed me. I kissed him back and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I really like you Eleanor"

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that."

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