Chapter 13

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---Nialls POV---

I took Elise's hand and walked to the door, "Be right back" I told Eleanor as I closed the door.

"Niall do you love Eleanor?"

"Yes" I said smiling at her.

"As much as you love me?"

"Elise, your sister is my girlfriend and I would do anything for her. I mean anything!"

"Even fight off a dragon?"

"Of course."

"Do you want to marry her?"

"Yes, and when we are older I'm sure we will get married"

"How many kids are you going to have"

"Ten" I said wiggling my eyebrows, which caused her to have a laughing fit.

"Ten!" she squeaked.

"We will make sure to name one after you"

"What if they are all boys?"

"Then I will have a son named Elise!"

Elise fell on the floor and started laughing. An old lady walked by and asked if she was my little sister.

"No he's my uncle!" Elise squealed.

"Well isn't that precious." she replied smiling.

"We can go get my sister if you want!" Elise screamed.

"Elis-" I was cut off by her dragging me down the hallway in the direction of me and Eleanor's room.

"Eleanor Eleanor Eleanor! Come quick!"

"What? Are you two alright?"

"Yes we are fine" I told her, taking her hand.

We walked back down the hall where we encountered the old woman.

"Eleanor! This is the lady that wanted to meet you!" Elise screamed.

"Hello" Eleanor smiled at her, extending her hand to shake it.

"Are you two really married?" She asked me and El.

"Yes!" Elise screamed before either of us could answer.

"And my I ask how old you are?"

"Sixteen" I answered.

"Do you have any children?"

"They have ten!" Elise yelled while I tried not to burst out laughing from the look on the woman's face.

"Oh my! Where are they now?"

"At home. We both tried out for the X Factor today and Eleanor's mother is watching them" I answered.

"Well that is sweet, but I must be on my way, nice meeting you two!"

She walked down to the lift and as the doors closed waved back to us.

"You made me look like a slag!" Eleanor whispered to me.

"No I didn't, I can't help it we have ten kids!" I said to her, making Elise go into one of her laughing fits.

"I'm going back to the room" Eleanor stated and started walking in the direction of the room.

Elise and I got to Emmy's room and I walked her in.



"Yeah, Elise was just with me and Eleanor but we are going to sleep now so can you watch her?"

"Sure thing, oh and try not to get my sister knocked up, she's only sixteen"

"When I say we are going to sleep I mean we are going to sleep! We are both exhausted"

"Okay, I trust you, don't give me a reason not to."

"Bye Emmy! Bye Elise!"

"Bye Niall!"

I closed the door and started walking back to mine and Eleanor's room when I saw her.

---Eleanor's POV---

I closed the door of our room and went back down to lay on our bed.

I opened up Niall's laptop and got on Bebo. A ton of people were already asking me and Niall how our audition's went. I didn't want to answer them just yet. I wanted them to watch the show so I began to type.

"Hey guys! To everyone that is asking about me and Niall's auditions, we don't want to spoil it! Just make sure to tune into X Factor to see if we actually made it. Thanks xx."

I opened up my page and went through my photos. Everyone of them were of Niall and I. Our first date, playing soccer, the first time I met Greg and Bobby, a few of our sleepovers, the time Niall took me to Dublin to see a soccer match, a few of us kissing, some in the park by his house, and now it will have a photo Peter took on my phone of me and Niall in eachother's arms,me sobbing.

I uploaded it and under wrote, "This is all I can give away about the X Factor!"

I got so many likes and nice replies to it.

Niall walked through the door and came over to me, "What are you doing?"

"Checking Bebo. I put a photo of us on that Peter took at the audition and everyone loves it!"

"That's sweet. Let's take pictures now."

"Okay" I smiled at him, pulling up camera on the computer.

We both smiled at the camera, and the picture looked really good.

Then we took one of him kissing me on the cheek, right on my dimples.

Then we took a silly one and we looked mad. Mad Hatter mad.

We uploaded them and I shut the computer off and laid it on the table next to me.

I cuddled up next to Niall using his chest as my pillow and listened to his heartbeat. I started thinking about today and realized that he never told me about what his heart to heart conversation was about with Johnse.


"Yes love"

"What were you and Johnse talking about?"

"It's nothing I'll tell you later, go to sleep"


I kissed him and right as I did Emmy, Elise, and Andy jumped into the room screaming "Can I get you guys anything? Some snacks? A condom?"

We all burst out laughing and when we finally calmed down Niall looked at Emmy, "What are you teaching my niece and nephew?"

"Nothing." Emmy stated.

"Fine, be gone!" Niall yelled at them pointing to the door.

I went over and locked it just incase they tried to pull something like that again.

I got back in bed and curled up to Niall.

"I love you" I whispered to him.

As I started to drift off I hear him say "I love you too Eleanor"

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