Chapter 21

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We got into the limo that was waiting for us out front and started driving to where ever Niall was taking me.

"Can you please tell me where we are going?" I begged, smiling up at him.

He kissed my dimples and tapped his nose, something he did to say he wasn't telling.

"Fine" I sighed, leaning into him and wrapping my arms around him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, "I missed you so much El"

"I missed you too Niall, but let's not focus on that, let's have the best time that we can have while we are together!"

Just then the car lurched into a stop.

Niall helped me out of the car and I took in my surroundings.

We were at a board walk, not a ton of people were here, but I must say it was crowded. Niall had the biggest grin on his face and I couldn't help but smiling at him. He took my hand and lead me to the end of the board walk and we watched the water for awhile.

"It's beautiful, Niall"

"I hope you don't think that this is it" He said winking at me, taking my hand and guiding me somewhere else along the boardwalk.

I saw a tent with two security gaurds out front. They saw Niall and nodded at him and we entered the tent. From the outside it looked like nothing, but it was gorgeous inside. The back wall is missing and it gives you a full view of the water and in the middle of the room, a table was arranged for us. Lights were arranged all around the room, it was absolutley stunning. Music was quietly playing and Niall pulled my chair out for me.

"Niall this is amazing!" I smiled as he pushed my chair in and he took the seat opposite of me.

"Don't thank me, Simon set all of this up. He knows how much you mean to me"

"I love you Niall!" I said looking down at my plate, Nandos.

We ate in scilence for a minute and then he looked up, "When are we going to tell everyone that you are pregnant?"

"Well it really isn't a secret. We can tell them whenever we want"

"I think we should after me and the boys sing for Simon"

"Okay, that sounds perfect"

Niall looked nervously at his plate, "Do you have any ideas for the name?"

"I like Lottie, for a girl" I smiled, that is Louis' sister's name.

"I have heard that name before, isn't it Louis' sister's name?"

"Yes" I blushed, Louis and I had only known eachother for a day but I felt like I had known him forever. I can tell him anything, but I can also joke around with him.

"What names do you like?" I asked him.

"Liam for a boy" he blushed, him and Liam were so close already.

"I love that" I grinned.

We finished eating and we went to sit on the couch that was in the corner, next to the nonexistant wall. There was a guitar next to the couch and Niall began strumming a familiar tune.

"I'd wait on you forever and a day

Hand and foot

Your world is my world

Yeah Ain't no way you're ever gon' get Any less than you should

Cause baby You smile I smile

Cause whenever You smile I smile Hey hey hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness

Shouldn't have let you know I'm always gonna do what they say

If you need me I'll come running from a thousand miles away

When you smile I smile 

You smile I smile"

Niall smiled back at me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" He smiled, taking something out of his pocket.

It was a small box. Oh no. He can't be proposing.

"This is for you" He smiled, sliding a necklace out of the box, it was beautiful.

It had two shamrock charms on it, one with my initials and one with his initials.

"Thank you so much Niall!" I lifted up my hair so he could put the necklace on me.

"You look beautiful" He smiled.

I pulled out my phone and we took a few photos. I uploaded a few of them to twitter.

@Eleanor.Horan13 Niall did all of this just for me! Love you @NiallOfficial xx

@Eleanor.Horan13 The necklace Niall got me! @NiallOfficial love you! xx

@Eleanor.Horan13 Me& Niall on our date! You can't find anyone sweeter than him. I love you @NiallOfficial xx

@NiallOfficial Tonight was amazing with @Eleanor.Horan13 I love you! Can't wait for Simon's, BIG NEWS! tune into X Factor if you are curious(;

I retweeted Niall's tweet and we left the tent.

"I have one more thing to show you before we go" Niall smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist.

We walked down to the very edge of the boardwalk and I saw a table set up, someone was sitting in a chair with their back to us.

Niall took my hand and we went and sat with the guy, I still had no idea who it was. I looked up and saw a familiar face.

"Simon!" I yelled running over to hug him.

"It's great to see you again Eleanor!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Niall and I have something to show you" He smirked, glancing at Niall.

"We got shirts made" Niall laughed, pulling out a tshirt with all of the boys on it, "This is for you El"

I laughed hugging the both of them, "I will treasure this forever, thank you both!"

"Well I have to run, I will see you and the boys in two days! Don't disappoint me" Simon said smiling and walking off.

"Let's go, the boys are probably wondering where we are by now." Niall laughed.

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