Chapter 5

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February 7, 2010

Dear Reader,

Niall said keeping a journal would be cool. So we are both writing in one and one day we are going to look back at them& see how much we have changed.

so here it goess...






It has been over a week since I ran into him in the boys bathroom. Romantic right? That's gonna be a good story to tell our kids...

there is only one problem though& her name is Jolene Kelley.

I don't even think Niall likes her. whatever.

I should invite him to my ballet performance, show him the skills. (;

I have only been hanging out with him for awhile but i feel like i really know him. we have hungout everyday after school since the day jolene flipped a shit on me.

yeah okay bye now.

niall is almost here!! :D


I closed the Journal and hid it under my pillow.

If anyone ever saw that I would be dead.

Niall was picking me up so that we could go play soccer at the park in his neighborhood.

I heard the downstairs door open. That better be Niall.

"Honey I'm home!"

I ran down the stairs and tackled him.

"Oh honey I missed you so much!" I screamed  kissing his cheek.

Peter walked in and gave me a weird look. "I can teach you how to get the ladies, don't worry Peter" Niall laughed and stood up and gave Peter a "bro hug"

"Eleanor, darling, I'm not introducing you to my parents when you are dressed like that! Go change this instant!"

"What!?" I screamed, "You aren't seriously taking me to meet your parents are you?"

"Well my dad. and Greg."

"Niall! Ughhhhhhh. I'm going to pretty myself up, Peter entertain our guest!"

"A guest!" Andy screamed peaking his head around the stairs.

"Who is it!?" Elise screamed.

"Niall!" they yelled in unison, while running down the stairs.

They tackled him and I started laughing while running up the stairs.

I put on my favorite jeans that made my ass look AMAZING and my stripped Jack Wills sweater. I ran to the bathroom and did my makeup really quick because I didn't want to keep Niall and his family waiting.

I ran downstairs and messed up Niall's hair.

"Well don't you look cute!"

"Thank you! If I do say so myself, you my dear look simply smashing!" I said with a terrible British accent while slipping my Supra's on.

"Thank you love! Now kids we will be back later! Peter you look out for the children, by the way where is Emmy?"

"In her room like the miserable teenager she is."

"Emmy love come down and give Nialler a hug goodbye!"

She ran to the edge of the stairs as soon as she heard Niall's voice. Emmy has a HUGE crush on Niall.

Emmy ran down the stairs and jumped on Niall, "Why didn't you tell me you were here!"

"Oh I'm just picking up your lovely sister! We are going to take her to meet my dad and brother."

"Oh" She said looking disappointedly, "I'll see you later then!"

Niall and I linked arms, "Goodbye children! If you need anything, don't call!" Niall said winking at Elise.

"Bye Niall!" they all chorused.

"Nice to know I will be missed!" I yelled at them, while shutting the front door.

We got in the car and started driving to where ever we were meeting Bobby and Greg.

"My dad is really excited about meeting you"

"Aww that's sweet! What about Greg?"

"Ever since I introduced him to Jolene he hates meeting my friends" He said and we both started dying.

"Niall, you always talk so bad about her! It's obvious that you don't like her the least bit, why don't you just break up wit her?"

"That's a good question."

We didn't really talk the rest of the way there. It wasn't awkward though, it was comforting.

We finally arrived at our destination.


Only Niall will take you to meet his family at Nandos.

"Greg!" Niall yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling me over towards two guys waiting out front.

"I missed you, Niall!" Greg said, hugging his brother, "Who is this?" Greg asked smiling at me.

"Greg, this is my bestfriend, Eleanor." Niall said with a huge smile on his face.

Greg shook my hand, "It's really nice to meet you Eleanor!"

Greg leaned into Niall, lowering his voice, "Please tell me she isn't like Jolene."

Niall started blushing, "No she is NOTHING like Jolene!"


Dear Reader,

Things with Niall's dad& Greg went really well!

Niall's dad is hilarious& he loves me(:

Greg is sooo cool, he is just like Niall.

Bobby even invited me to his dinner party at the end of the month.

I asked what the occasion was& he told me to ask Niall...

ohhh suspence!

I texted Niall about it& he said he wanted to talk about it in person. Woah girl this is intense.


I think Niall is going to break up with Jolene soon....

YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! :D PARTY IN THE USA! or should I say Mullingar?


MOMMY GETS BACK TOMMOROWWW!! She has been coming home more lately& she said she had a suprise when she gets home(:

I'm exhausted. After I met Bobby& Greg, Niall and I ended up playing soccer for a few hours.

Goodnight Reader!


I shoved the Journal inbetween my mattress and the bed.

Andy walked into my room shyly, "El, I had a bad dream. Can I sleep in here?"

"Sure Andy." I said smiling at my little brother.

He is starting to look just like dad, not that I would know really. I have only seen photos of him and mom.

"Goodnight El"

"Goodnight Andy."

I turned off the light and stroked his hair until we both fell asleep.

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