Chapter 35

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"Wake up, we have class in an hour!"

I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to take my shower.

It had been six months since I ran away from my old life and came to London to fulfill my dreams. I am almost finished with school for the summer, I had been offered to stay with Dani but I think I need to go back to my friends and family. I have been in touch with Louis, he is my best friend and I couldn't live without him, he hadn't told the boys anything about where I was. Louis said that Niall was still looking for me, he wasn't going to give up. In a month the boys would be on their North American tour and Louis said he has talked to Simon and I am already planned to go on the tour, all I had to do was finish this last week of exams and I was back to everyone who loved me, and I could finally see Lilo again. Louis sent me photos of her all the time, but it's not the same.

I jumped out of the shower and threw on some jeans and a Jack Wills top, I had lost all of the baby weight by now and I was probably skinnier than before. I put on my Supras and was out the door.

I had just picked up my coffee when I heard my phone ring, it was Louis' cover of Look After You.



"Hi Lou" I smiled hearing my best friends voice.

"So how is the college girl?"

"I'm on my way to class right now!"

"Party! How many more days until you are finished with school?"

"I have two more days after today, then I'm home free!"

"Yes! When do I get to see you again?"

"I don't know, when should I come back to see you guys?"

"As soon as humanly possible"

"Should I talk to Niall?"

"If you think you need to"

"Okay, I've got to run, text me!"

"Bye love!"

"Love ya Lou!" I said before hanging up.

I found myself dozing off a few times, exams were terrible, and I couldn't text Lou like I usually do during class, because if I got caught then they would fail me.

After an hour and a half of exams I made my way to Milkshake City, I used to always come here with the boys. Everything reminded me of the boys, I used to cry myself to sleep every night but I got over it and focused on my studies.

I ordered my favorite milkshake, the One Direction Milkshake. I grabbed a straw, I had gotten my lip pierced and it was really weird to just drink things without a straw, and was out the door.

I returned to my dorm and opened up my macbook, 1 new video request.

I clicked on it and I saw a familiar, but also different looking face. The face of the boy I had loved since 2010, none other than Niall Horan.

"E-Eleanor!?" He squeaked.

"Hello love" I smiled, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Is it really you?" he sobbed

"Yes" I smiled, chuckling at him.

"Where are you?"

"My dorm, I have been attending the Univerisity of London"

"I went there and asked if you attended but they said you didn't!"

"I had my name changed to Elise O'Reilly."

"Nobody recognized you?"

"A few people said I looked familiar"

"Eleanor, do you still love me?"

"Niall I wouldn't still be wearing this if I didn't" I smiled holding up my hand, showing him my claddagh ring he had given me.

"Why did you leave without letting me apologize, I didn't even get to tell you goodbye"

"I had to do this for me, Niall. You don't understand how many times I regretted my actions but in the end, I have had an amazing time here and you have been able to focus more on your work"

"When do I get to see you again?"

"Ask Louis"


"Have him explain, I need to go now Niall"

"Eleanor I love you"

"Niall Horan, I have loved you as long as I can remember and I never will stop loving you"

Niall held his hand to the screen, "You are a fighter." he smiled, tears falling from his face.

"I miss you, goodbye love" I smiled, I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I clicked the End Call button.


From: Lou Bear

I hear you've been talking to my mullingar boy! How did it go?


To: Lou Bear

Great, I couldn't stand seeing him like that though so I told him I had to go.


From: Lou Bear

He really misses you ya know. You can't keep doing this to him.


To: Lou Bear

I know i know, I want to surprise him though. Let's just make me somehow be at your first show on the NA tour!


From: Lou Bear

Good idea! I will have everything set up, &Lilo has grown. Mama Horan is going to be reunited with the fam fam! ugh, so cute.


To: Lou Bear

You are a silly goose. Okay off to study, exams tomorrow! Love ya! xx


I threw my phone on my bed and opened up my books, only two more days.

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