Chapter 40

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"If I'm louder would you see me, would you lay do-"

"What!?" I screamed annoyingly into my phone, I was still upset I hadn't changed my ringtone.

"Eleanor are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Harry does it sound like I'm okay?"

"No, I'm sorry. I just really need you and Louis to talk"


"He is as miserable as you Eleanor, he loves you and he thinks all of this is his fault"

"I don't know if I can talk to him Harry"

"Please Eleanor," he soounded so fragile, like he was about to break," do this for me"


---Niall's POV---

"Niall?" my friend smiled.

"Hey Gem" I smiled and hugged one of the only people I wasn't mad at.

"W-what are you doing here?" she asked, baffled I was there.

"I have a lot of explaining to do"

"Come in!" she smiled, walking me into her home.

---Louis POV---

"She is going to talk to you" I heard Harry say, I jumped. I hadn't expected him to come out of his room.


"I talked to Eleanor. She told me she would talk to you"

"When?" I smiled.

"Today, go get yourself cleaned up" he said flatly, he hasn't been himself lately, he seems miserable.

"Harry, thank you" I said wrapping my arms around him, he didn't want to let go.

I got ready and jogged to the front door, I saw a note on the door.

'I'm going to hang out with Lou& Lux. I will see you later, call me after you& El talk. xx haz'

I smiled as I made my way out the door and jumped in Harry's car, Lou must have picked him up. I was driving when a familiar tune started up, "Your insecure, don't know what for," I remember the day the song came out, the day Lilo was born. Lilo Horan, Eleanor and Niall had a child together and I was never going to change that, but I might be able to make Eleanor happy.

I got out of Harry's car and walked up to Zayn and Eleanor's apartment. I knocked on the door, no answer. I called Zayn, no answer. What was happening?

"Uh, hey Louis, what are you doing here?" Zayn said embarassed, he only had a blanket wrapped around him.

"I am here to see Eleanor"

"Oh um, we are kind of busy right now."

"Y-you you had sex with her?" I screamed, Zayn looked terrifyed, "you know Niall loves her! You know I love her, how could you do this Zayn!?"

"Louis, please don't tell anyone"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because, we are best friends, and I can get her to fall in love with you"


"I'm the only one she trusts right now, she will take my opinion."

"So I don't tell anyone about this, and I get her?"


I stood there for a moment, "Deal"

---Niall's POV---

It's kind of strange to think that Harry's sister is my best friend, but she is the only one I have right now.

"So you saw the photo, and what did you do?" Gemma asked.

I took a breath and closed my eyes, begining to relive that night.

*Flashback to the concert*

"What is this!?" I screamed, shoving my phone into Eleanor's face.

"Niall, what is this?" she asked, her face falling.

"I don't know why don't you tell me!" I skreeched.

"Niall, it isn't wh-"

"It isn't what I think, because I think it's a few photos of you and Louis together, one of you kissing his cheek!"

"Niall, I do that to all of the boys"

"When was the last time you saw the rest of the boys?" I yelled, hyperventolating.

"I haven't seen you, Zayn, or Harry since I left for Uni and I saw Louis and Liam before you all went to the airport, and I saw Louis today and yesterday." she answered.

"Why were you with him?" I yelled.

"Because he planned for me to be at the concert!" she screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

I turn away and started walking, I had no idea where I was going, but I know I couldn't handle it right now, Eleanor had cheated on me with Louis, my best friend.

"Niall!" she screamed, I turned my head slightly so I could see her, Liam and Zayn were holding her back, she was sobbing hysterically.

I kept walking as the tears stream down my face. I locked myself in my dressing room, no one could bother me now.

"Niall, we need to talk"

"Your damn right we do" I said swinging the door open to reveal Louis.

Louis closed the door behind him, "Niall, we didn't do anything I promise."

"I don't know what to believe anymore" I cried, shaking my head.

After awhile I looked back up at Louis, he had tears in his eyes, "Do you love her?" I asked him.

He hesitated at first, "Yes, Niall I'm not going to lie to you. I would never do that, but I am in love with Eleanor, but I know I can't have her because her heart belongs to you."

"Get out Louis"

Louis got up and was greeted by someone at the door.


"No, save it Eleanor. I am done with this"

"With what?"


"Are you-"

"Yes Eleanor," I sighed as I said something I would utterly regret, "We are over" my voice cracked. Eleanor ran out of the room, sobbing into her hands.

*flashback over*

"And I haven't seen her since" I sobbed, I clutched onto Gemma like my life depended on it.

"Niall-" she said rubbing circles on my back.

"Thank you Gemma"

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