Chapter 23

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"El" I heard someone say cautiously.

I opened my eyes to see all of the boys smiling at me and Niall, who was still asleep.

"You two looked adorable" Liam laughed, "But we need to be at Simon's in two hours so get ready!"

"Yes mother" I joked, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After my shower I curled my hair and put on skinny jeans and a cream lace top, I was going to be on television, I need to look slightly presentable. I picked up my phone and walked downstairs where all the boys were waiting for me. Niall was getting ready still so I sat down on the couch and scrolled through twitter. #GoodLuck1D was trending and I smiled as I began to type something of my own.

@Eleanor.Horan13 Niall needs to hurry up! We need to be at Simon's soon! Thank you to everyone supporting my boys today! Love you all! #GoodLuck1D xx

Niall began walking downstairs and I slipped my sandals on, "Good morning sleepy head!" I joked and kissed my boyfriend.

"Are you ready?" I asked all of the boys as they nodded in approval.

Louis was at the hospital right now, getting his foot examined again and he would be meeting us at Simon's house. I don't know about Louis, but the rest of the boys seemed very nervous, except for Harry. Harry Styles don't get nervous!

We all hopped into the limo and made our way to Simon's house. I took Niall's hand and squeezed it for support, you could tell how nervous he was.

"You are going to do great!" I encouraged him.

We all sat silently the rest of the ride, which seemed to take forever. Finally, we arrived and slowly made our way our of the car. We all waited out front for Louis to arrive.

"Louis!" All the boys screamed and ran over to him.

They gave him hugs and lifted him up on their shoulders, we made our way out back, were the boys future would be determinded for all of us.

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