Chapter 12

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We all ran off the stage thanking them all and Niall's dad gave me a huge hug.

I didn't realize I was crying until Niall cuped my face into his hands and wiped away my tears.

Niall wrapped his arms around me, "We made it" he whispered into my ear.

"I think we should go celebrate!" Maura suggested.

"I agree!" Niall yelled taking my hand.

We all made our way out the back way and an interviewer came up to me and Niall.

"Can I get a quick interview with the two of you?"

"Of course" Niall smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Are you two dating?"


"How old are you?"


"Do you think the show will effect your relationship?"

"I think it will in a good way" I said.

"Would you mind if you were put in the same group?"

"I think either way would be a good experience because we would grow closer if we are in the same group and if we aren't that's good too becasue we could sing different styles and we would meet new people as well as the people in eachother's group" Niall answered.

"Well thank you for talking to us today and good luck in the competition!"

"Thank you"

Niall and I walked over to where our families were waiting and they greeted us with even more hugs. Niall's mother started crying, "I'm so proud of you Niall" she managed between sobs.

I picked up Elise and grabbed Andy's hand.

"So lovelies where does the perfect couple want to go?" Maura asked.


"Definately" I said smirking

"Why do you two like Nandos so much?" Emmy asked.

"It was where our first date was" Niall said grinning ear to ear.

"That's adorable"

"I know" Niall said jokingly,then grabbing my waist.

Eventually we all made it to Nandos and ordered our food.

Elise's food came first and Niall kept taking her fries.

"Niall!" Elise squealed.

"One more please?"

"Fine." she scowled as he took a few fries.

"So. When do we leave for bootcamp?" I asked.

"I think two weeks." Niall said as our food was handed to us.

"Thank you" we all chimed.

 "Peter, why didn't you get peri peri chicken?" Niall asked sternly.

"I wanted to try something new!" Peter protested

"Fine I guess I'll just have to try it too" Niall laughed, grabbing Peter's sandwich.

"Niall you cannot just take someone else's food!" Maura yelled.

Niall and I laughed earning a glare from Maura.

"Sorry mom" Niall said, biting into Peter's sandwich, then returning it to him.

We ate and went back to the hotel.

"I guess I'll be on my way then" Maura said weakly.

Niall and Greg walked over to their mother, hugging her and biding her farewell.

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