Chapter 22

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We walked up the steps and I checked my watch before knocking on the door, 22:58. Damn, Louis told us to be back by ten.

"Where have you two been?" Louis yelled, "You better not have touched her!" Louis said sternly pointing his finger in Niall's face.

"I'm fine daddy!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around Lou's neck.

"Look what Niall got me!" I yelled showing him the necklace.

"Boys! Look what Niall got our baby girl!" Lou screamed as we walked into the living room.

The rest of the boys came over and admired it, "That is really sweet" Liam said patting Niall's back.

"I'm going to get changed!" I yelled running up the stairs, "Me too" Niall said.

We walked into our room, I threw on my Coláiste Mhuire pants and the tshirt that Niall and Simon had made me and picked up my phone. I checked twitter, I had recieved a few mentions since I put the photos of me and Niall's date. I answered a few questions and Niall walked out of the bathroom and we went back downstairs with the rest of the boys.

"The Horan's are here!" Zayn laughed as we sat down on the couch.

"Woah where did you get that shirt?" Harry yelled.

"Oh yeah, Niall and Simon made it for me" I smiled, standing up so they could all see it.

"I am tweeting this!" Liam laughed. Niall came over and got in the picture, he kissed me on the cheek and the picture turned out really well.

@Real_Liam_Payne Check out the shirt that @NiallOfficial made for @Eleanor.Horan13 I want one! Cutest couple ever(: Love you guys! xx

I retweeted it and sat back down on the couch. Niall grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"We are going to be practicing all tomorrow, you can go shop with Greg or you can watch us practice" Niall told me.

"I'll go shopping with Greg for awhile, I want to see you practice though" I said.

"Wait guys! Louis and I have an idea!" Harry yelled, "You should name the baby Stacy" Louis said and the both of them had a laughing fit. We all stared at them with our eyebrows raised.

"Stacy's mom has got it going on" Harry squealed and him and Louis lost it again.

"I can't believe you have to deal with them" I said looking at Liam, Niall, and Zayn.

"Hey we aren't that bad!" Louis protested.

Louis' phone rang and answered it, he accidentally set it on speaker and we all heard Jay yelling, "Boo bear! Are you there?"

We all died laughing and Louis looked annoyed as he set it off of speaker and walked out of the room to talk to his mother.

"She still calls him Boo Bear?" I managed between breathes.

Louis walked back in the room and looked annoyed, "What's wrong Boo Bear?" I asked him and we all lost it again.

I hugged Louis, "It's just a joke Lou, lighten up"

"Fine" he smiled, "I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed" Louis walked around the corner to his room. He peaked his head around the corner, "Harry, are you coming dear?"

"I'll be right there love" He laughed.

"I'm going to bed too" Zayn exclaimed, walking to his room.

"I'm going to take a shower" Niall told me, I kissed him and he walked up to our room.

"So about earlier, do you think we really could be related?" I asked Liam.

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