Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes and looked up at Niall.

What's going on?

"Niall" I said weakly.

I had no idea where I was I've never been here before. My body ached and I looked down and saw an IV in my arm.

Why was I at the hospital?

Niall ran back into the room with a few nurses.

"I am going to ask you a few questions now. OKay?" One of the nurses asked.

"Okay" I replied

"What is your name?"

"Eleanor Payne"

"Okay do you know why you are here?"


"What was the last thing that you remember?"

"I fell asleep on Niall's shoulder in the car on the way back to my house"

"Oh my." the nurse stated, looking worried. She looked down at her clipboard, "You don't remeber the crash?"

"What crash?"

"You, Niall, Greg, Bobby, Peter, Elise, Emmy, and Peter were in a car accident on the way home from Dublin."

"What! Are they okay?"

Her eyes shifted to Niall as his eyes started to water.

"What happened!" I screamed at the two of them.

"Elise Ann Payne was killed from major injuries in the crash, there was nothing we could do to save her."

My face got red and I froze I had no idea what was happening around me, my vision was blurred. Niall walked over to me and that was the last thing I remember before falling back into the darkness.


April 30, 2010

I woke up and I heard sobbing, I didn't know who's because I hadn't opened my eyes yet. Someone was holding my hand and I could make out what they were saying.

"I'm so sorry Eleanor, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I should have never let this happen to you. Now your sister is dead because of me, Eleanor I'm so sorry"

"Sir we are going to have to ask you to leave"

"I'm sorry Eleanor"

I opened my eyes and saw Niall walking to the door, "Niall"

Niall turned his head around and ran over to me and kissed me, wrapping his arms around me.

I remembered now, on the way home from Dublin we were hit but a truck. Elise was instantly killed.

"Niall none of this is your fault"

"Eleanor yes it is! I could have protected you, now you are in the hospital!"

"Niall you couldn't have prevented any of this, even," I felt tears stream down my face, "Elise"

The doctor walked over to the foot of my bed, "Niall please take a seat, we need to talk to Eleanor about everything that has happened since the crash"

"What do you mean? How long has it been?"

"Eleanor, you were in a two week coma, and you fainted earlier this afternoon from shock" the doctor explained.

"We talked to Simon Cowell and he said that you should just focus on getting better and that you should just audition the following year." Niall said quietly.


"I know it's a lot to take in bu-"

I cut the doctor off, "So I have been in a two week coma, my baby sister died, and I can't even be on the X Factor now?"

"Eleanor, we need to talk about your injuries" the doctor said.

"Can you tell me later I need to be alone right now"

"Okay" he stated, getting up and walking to the door, as well as Niall.

"Niall can you stay?"

"Of course" he said walking over to me.

I patted the space next to me on the hospital bed motioning him to come sit with me.

I started bawling as soon as he got settled, I buried my face into his chest and he put his arm around me stroking my hair.

"Eleanor please don't cry, I can't stand to see you like this"

After almost thirty minutes of me sobbing into his shirt I looked up at him, "I can't just stay here alone Niall. You are my friend here."

"You have Johnse and I'm sure you will make a ton of friends. I probably won't even make it past bootcamp."

"When are you leaving?"

"Two days"

"I don't know how I'm going to deal with you being gone that long"

"Just focus on track, ballet, school, and having fun and I'm sure you won't even notice I'm gone"

"What if you get past bootcamp?"

"I will get you to come see every single performance"

"I love you Niall"

"I love you too Eleanor, go back to sleep you look exhausted"

"When do I get to leave this place?"


"Okay goodnight"

"Goodnight love" Niall said kissing my forehead.

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