Chapter 19

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"Race you to the water!" I screamed, running ahead of all the boys.

"Not so fast chicka!" Louis yelled throwing me over his shoulder.

"Louis let me down! Niall save meee!" I yelled, Louis was still carrying me into the water.

"I'll rescue you!" Harry yelled, tackling Louis, causing all of us to go underneath the water.

I swam back up to the surface and Niall picked me up, I wrapped my legs aroung his waist.

Liam was jogging into the water and Zayn sat in the sand staring nervously at the water, "What's up with Zayn?" I whispered to Niall.

Niall laughed and looked at me, "Zayn, the poor boy can't swim"

"We shouldn't leave him out!"

"Why don't you go talk to him? You can get to know him" Niall suggested

I ran to where Zayn was sitting, "Hey Zayn!"

"Hi Eleanor"

"What's wrong?"

"I- I can't swim"

"It's okay I'll sit with you, we could even teach you how to swim if you would like!"


"Of course!"

"Thank you so much Eleanor"

I got up and ran to the shoreline, "Boys!"

They all looked over at me and I motioned for them to get out of the water.

"What's up?" Liam asked.

I clapped my hands together and smiled at Zayn, "Boys, we are teaching Zayn how to swim!"

We all ran up to the house and grabbed the floats, we tied them together so Zayn could lay on them.

Louis and Harry held the floats steady, Liam and I held Zayn's hands and Niall was holding my hand.

"Are you ready Zayn?" I asked.

"K-kind of" he managed, you could tell he was extremely nervous.

He jumped on the float and Liam continued to hold his hand, while we all pushed him out to where he couldn't stand.

"Now paddle on your own" Harry instructed.

Zayn paddled around in circles for awhile and then we managed to get him off the float, he was clinging onto Liam. Liam held him with his back in the water. We told him to lay flat out and float. He refused to let Liam let go but after awhile Liam let go anyways, and he was floating. We all started cheering for him and he look confused for a minute but then realized he was floating.

"Liam! Why did you let go?" Zayn asked, Liam walked back over and let him get on his back.

"Enough swim lessons for today" Liam said, sounding exhausted.

We walked back up to the beach house and went off to do our own things. Liam and Zayn went to take naps and the rest of us ate lunch. Harry made chicken for us and it was amazing.

"Harry Styles! If you weren't an amazing singer, you could definitely be a chef" I told him.

Harry smiled at me, his dimples were adorable, "I worked in a bakery before the I auditioned"

"Then you have to make us desert tonight!"

"Fine, anything for Queen Eleanor" Harry said, winking at Niall. Niall started blushing.

I took my last bite of chicken and saw that everyone else was finishing up also, "Do you want to go back down to the beach for awhile?" I asked them.

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