Cracko Chapter 1

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Martin sat down in the home lab with his freshly brewed coffee. He had finally figured out how to program the new food simulator to make a decent cup of coffee. "Computer, access today's h-mail."

On his command a holographic screen appeared displaying a lengthy list of messages. The preprogrammed greeting announced, "Good morning Dr. Kane. Access completed. Awaiting further instructions."

"Follow Morning Protocol." Upon his command the h-mail files were categorized into descending priority format.

"May twenty first - fourteen h-mails received: eleven low priority: Alpha, two priority: Delta, classified-- encoded, 'your eyes only,' one security level Gamma: automatic isolation measures activated."

"Forward Alpha messages to Rosie with instructions to prepare responses for my review. Activate Delta files, on screen."

"Please enter today's password for Delta One Permission and decoding access." Martin keyed in his personal code to open the security file that was delivered to his computer desktop each morning. As he hit the send key, the file decoder began to reveal the contents of the Delta message:

Sender: General Babcock

Subject: Alert Status.

Correct key entered: File open:

A holographic image of the General appeared and began to speak...

Martin was impatient, "Hold...Next"

"Delta classified two activate: Good morning. The following is being sent on our secure server from John Goodwin, I.A.S."

Martin decided that could wait. "Computer, file Delta classified one and two in pending, next send a reminder to Rosie for me to access it later today. Institute security procedures, then open Gamma file."

He was startled by the computer's response.

"Security Gamma – Isolated for Undisclosed sender and non-subject identification. Security procedure scan for disruptor devices: Negative. File is currently stored in secure satellite holding pattern.

"Computer, retain satellite protocol but override security. View identification source only."



Subject: "< 'R U the 1?' >"

Not this again! His reaction was the same each time he saw this h-mail. The only difference this time was that it had now invaded his home account. Someone had him targeted for this garbage but how? Martin's h-mail accounts were maintained through a high-level security server. A password protected code, or voice recognition, was necessary for all incoming messages to first pass through the server. Totally frustrated, Martin opened the intercom system to the Cottage. "Rosie, it has now invaded my home files!" he yelled.

"I'm not a mind reader, Dr. Kane! Should I call up the National Guard or do you want to tell me what got through?"

"I'm not in the mood this morning, Rosie. It's my h-mail you know that 'R U the 1?' message. How is that possible? Messages don't just pass through the world's most secure server and then just happen to land in my unpublished account...

"I don't know to the first question, no, they don't, to the statement and I agree to the last. I also do not know what else you had to say but I'll get on it, right away."

"See that you do! I want an answer by the time I get in," he demanded.

Her reply was immediate, "And good morning to you too, boss! I said I'd get on it. What a great way to start my morning. We should try this more often. I'm sure it would increase the day's production by at least one hundred percent. However, if I knew how the h-mail magically got through this server's maximum-security wall, I would've told you. And you know what else, I would've stopped it. So, since we keep getting this h-mail, I just deduced that you understood that I don't, and, that so far, I can't, -- other than that I will continue to tirelessly work on finding the solution. Until then, I certainly don't need to start my day this way. Pardon me for adding this but, neither do you!"

"Well, yes, uh... I'll be in shortly, Rosie!"

Martin turned his attention back to the instructions for the h-mail, "Computer, acknowledge security breach. Abort h-mail reading. Purge from the satellite holding system. Initiate Security protocol 4774 and delete."

"Security Protocol 4774 successful. Purge complete"

Martin hoped that would send the h-mail and his frustrations into cyber-space oblivion, forever. When will I learn to have Rosie scan and sort all the morning mail!

He decided to calm down and catch up with the news before leaving for the Cottage. Computer, access file holo-news: section: U.S. News Sort by headline."

The screen appeared: The New Homeland Security Director

"Begin article."

A commentator appeared on the screen, "General Paul Babcock, reported today that a new list had been issued to warn citizens of possible faction groups acting against our country and the world. He is appealing to all citizens to do their part. To that end an interactive dedicated website, , has been set up. This site will list suspicious acts and the agencies that can be contacted with pertinent information. The list he refers to contains recent events that were initially believed to be natural occurrences but that have now been upgraded to, 'suspected hostilities.' Babcock stated everyone needs to be more aware! Today we've added the following: The Great Power Failure, World Bank Devaluation, The Stock Market Crash, Postal Closings, the National Highway and Rail Shutdown. We ask all Americans to report any strange occurrences to this new website -- no matter how insignificant they may seem. General Babcock concluded by saying, 'We do not have corroborating evidence that these were the acts of faction groups but, as history has proven, when we work together, we can defeat any enemy. And, as always, we would rather err on the side of caution and be prepared for any eventuality to ensure we can continue to enjoy our freedoms."

The commentator's image faded: "End of Article, appeared."

Martin glanced at the time reminder flashing at the bottom of the screen. That undisclosed h-mail really set me back in time. I can't even finish the morning news. "Computer, close holo-news and save." 

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