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When Evie finished reading the report, she had a million questions but started with only one. "Brad, what do you think this information can do to help Jon and the others?"

"No, you didn't get it. It's not for them. It's for us! We take this formula. Then we will be able to have more physical and mental abilities and more immuno-bodies. That will enable us to eat the candy, just like Jon but our bodies will repel the effects and then we can use our blood to develop an anti-toxin for Jon and all the others."

"Okay, let's say you've got the right idea, how do you know that we will be able to repel the stimulants effects?"

"The immuno-bodies, Sis. Think of it like a disease that your body repels because you have developed antibodies. This is the same idea."

"Well, even if you are right, why do we both need to do this?"

"Look at the conclusions," Brad pointed to the end of the study. As she read the results he added, "Don't you see? Since we're twins, in order to achieve the best results, we need to do this together."

This time Evie believed Brad was right. The procedure seemed simple and safe enough. Brad ran upstairs to make doubly sure their parents were asleep and then came back to the lab. "Coast is clear for operation, 'Help Jon.'"

"Okay, so what now?"

"The report indicates the amount to take per, gender, age, height and weight, so why don't you heat up the goodies, while I calculate each of the doses."

"But you said dad put the sample in the cryo-genics freezer. Won't it take a while to defrost?"

"Sure. But while that is happening, we can be feasting our way to a quicker result."

Evie went into the den to use the hydro-convection heater while Brad went to the freezer in the lab. He keyed in the password to release the locks as he'd seen his father do on numerous occasions. His father once told him, because of other samples in the freezer, he had a separate locking system installed. He told Brad, when you release the first set of locks, only the main freezer door unlocks. Next, you need to select the individual compartment you want released from the cryo-genic state. Then, only that compartment would begin the gradual reversal procedure. After a few minutes, the process would be complete and the requested material could be safely removed, while everything else in the freezer would remain in stasis. Brad knew his only problem would be to be sure he opened, only, the right compartment. Brad didn't realize he would have another problem, until he heard a familiar voice.

"Master Brad. Good evening!"

"Geez, Rosie! You scared the crap outta me." Brad's heart was really pumping.

"As well I should... especially when your father has already closed this section of the lab for the evening. So, my good lad, would you like to explain your presence or shall I summon a security breach."

"Rosie," he stammered, "Evie and I are trying to help with this Controller problem and we need a sample from the cryo-genics freezer. You know dad has shown me how to get in and explained about the usage, so why the problem?" Brad was praying he was convincing.

Evie heard everything as she walked into the lab. She shot an annoyed look at her brother.

"Do you have the password?" Rosie asked.

"Well, of course!" Brad said, without any hesitation.

"Well then, I suppose it'll be all right. But, I will have to log your entry."

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