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That night the answer dropped into his lap. After supper Brad told Evie to go to work and he would keep wrestling with the problem until he found an answer. Brad was just sitting quietly in the downstairs den, something he rarely did, when he heard his parents talking in the lab. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but his curiosity got the better of him.

"Martin after all these months of trying to find the right combination, it's unbelievable that this happened now! It couldn't have come at a better time, especially with us having to put this research on hold."

"Yes, and if it ever turns out that Controller, or its holograms, are really delivery systems for bio-terrorist viruses, we'll be ready with the needed antidote. Here, look at these reports Rosie just sent through. These conclusions are what we've waited for."

He read the highlighted parts:

"...the tested compound of plant herbs has been found to enhance the brain's ability to recognize viruses and when mixed with the Human Leukocyte Antigen and the IGM factor: the test sample used in this study, (was retrieved and analyzed to be the first antibody made by newborns), the results were a formulation that accelerated the body's development, forcing the production of signature antibodies that will destroy those specific invading viruses."

Vivian pointed out, "Side effects are minimal, if taken in small doses, at regular intervals. Enhanced physical and mental abilities are found in a small number of cases."

Martin was encouraged and suggested that group testing would be required to ascertain if these are standard results, and, whether they are temporary or permanent.

"I agree but look Martin, I believe Rosie is way ahead of you. On her own, she ran the compatibility tests and submitted them with these reports."

"One of these days, you have to remind me to re-program her to take orders. She's starting to make decisions on her own!"

"That's because she knows you so well. She just does what she anticipates you'd want her to do. What really gets you is that she usually does it before you knew you wanted her to."

"You know what's really scary, I think I understood what you just said," he joked.

Brad heard some laughing and then a long silence.

"Martin, look at this, based on Rosie's tests she made a submission and we've already received I.A.S. approval. It's been designated, 'safe for human consumption.'" She continued, "Oh and look at this, 'When taken with large amounts of solid foods and liquids, the compound is delivered twice as fast and the acceleration process seems to be enhanced."

"Do you believe that? We can protect people from these bio-terrorist viruses but in the process, we'll make them all fat!" he laughed.

"Be serious!" she insisted. "You male scientists — you never think of things like weight gain but we women, do!"

"I think women will endure stuffing their faces if they know it will keep them safe. Besides, they can go on diet number whatever, after that."

"Martin Kane! Are you suggesting that only women tend to be fat?"

"No, they just always seem to find reasons to go on diets."

"That's because we want to look our best. That is the chauvinistic standard that men place upon us."

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