3. | His eyes

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The four students with ill intentions walk out of the science classroom, just when their home room class starts.

Their intentions: cause trouble. Y/n a girl willing to prove herself in the group. When these pieces fall together, it can be a deadly situation and someone can get hurt in the worst possible way.

Truthfully, she doesn't know what she's doing. She's merely following Bakugou's instructions and they walk further down the hall. Having a bottle of acid in their hands.

Her reluctant behavior is unnoticed by her piers. As the two girls kept fangirling behind the males back. It's the first time he has ever bothered to pay attention to anyone, nor let someone join in on some fun.
You might think that aspiring to be a hero, might have made him question his actions, but no. Bakugou is the type to do what he wants and he'll stop at nothing to prove he's the boss.

Y/n already figured that out and this prank they are going to commit with a dangerous substance, is already in play and she knows that he'll not go too far to actually hurt someone.

But why does he even want to prank someone?
Why give it so much effort?

She just rolled with it as they soon came to stand in front of a locker Bakugou stares intently at. Having her questions his motives in silence.

"Alright, I'm going pour all this inside this locker and that bastards books will be ruined" He explains as he pinches the locker open.

Fuji and Hisayo both giggle, already enjoying the new and mischievous aroma.

Y/n's brow creases slightly, it's all becoming very odd to her as to why this specific locker.
Then her eyes widen as she remembers the first encounter with the ash blond in the cafeteria. Him alining her with this Deku...and the girls explaining his hatred towards this boy.

He is using this prank for a personal grudge.

Her insides start to feel warm.
Was this okay? It's just a prank right, that boy won't think much of it.
Besides, she doesn't know who he is. So she can't care, nor does she want too.

So they pour all the acid inside, flinching back at the strong smell it gave. Slowly seeing the books getting torn.

With a snicker, Bakugou slams the door shut. "That nerd deserves it" He mutters under his breath and turns around to face the girls.

"Can we go now? We are already late to class" Y/n states with bored eyes.

The explosive male scoffs and digs his hands in his pockets. "Tell anyone what we did and you're all dead, got it?" His grumpy voice made the h/c haired glare.

"Calm your ass, we'll all come in trouble if we did so" She kept her eyes locked with his. Actually, she had suspected that he would go on a full rampage on her for her sassy reply, but no.

His glare never left his face, but she can see a calm presence on his face. Like he wasn't bothered at all by her comment.


So does the two other girls think.


The day came to an end and student starting to leave the classroom. Y/n sat with her two new friends and they had a funny conversation going on.

Izuku picks up his bag and tosses it over his shoulders. He feels a little insecure passing the new squads table all the sudden.

Was it the way they were laughing?
Would they start laughing at him once he passed them?

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