50. | Caged

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The summer breeze only got hotter as Japan reaches mid July. The 14th to be exact. One day before Izuku's birthday—a dreaded day.

It's been about two/three months since Rose had her final attack and left the victims behind with more damages than any villain had mastered before. And also, it's been two/three months since Izuku's mother was murdered.

The time had passed so fast, there is nothing inside of him. He feels absolutely numb, hopeless...a walking corpse just waiting to die one day. His eyes had lost it's emotional spark, they are dull and lifeless. Izuku went to school, stayed silent, went to L/n's house, stayed in his room all alone, but still not muttering a single word.

The girl hasn't been doing well either. She had tried the full whole month to talk to the boy and apologize for lying to his face. But that didn't do anything. Izuku refuses to speak, his eyes just look right passed you. Like he's staring at nothing at all.

Y/n is very worried, she even went to the school psychologist to ask about Izuku's state. She told the h/c haired female that it was normal to feel empty after such a loss, that Izuku would regain his emotions after a while.

A while? How long is he going to feel empty? His mother is dead, because he was being a stubborn teenager and refused to visit her at least once! The guilt in his heart is weighing more than any boulder in this world could be compared too.

So that's what it was. The same damn routine everyday—every night. And it's not going to get bette this time.


Izuku's birthday came and he's turning 15 years old, but he doesn't care at all. His birthday represents the day his mother gave birth to him—what matters if she's long dead?

That's why it doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. Not school and the very least himself. Izuku's diet has downgraded severely, barely eating a piece of bread a day. M/n tries to give him food that he likes, but Izuku doesn't eat it. Or when he does, he throws it up in the bathroom later.

His body doesn't matter. It can just die for all he cares. This life is not worth living anymore.

Todoroki and Y/n had completely been cut off communication by Enji. The last time she saw the boy, was when she snuck into the hospital to see him after the fire. Endeavor caught on quickly and banned her from ever visiting his son. Ever since then, no calls, no texts—empty emails. Todoroki is gone from Y/n's life.

At least until U.A, but then there is that too. The school she's dreamed of enrolling all her life is vanishing away from her fingertips everyday—bit by bit.

It started with migraines, which lead to hallucinations. But then it got worse...sometimes her legs would give out by their own. She's fallen and hurt herself multiple times because of this. Then her constant tired state, like she's drowning.

It's not getting better. The doctors tells her to take things easy and get enough vitamins and minerals. But it's not working. She isn't able to work out or train her quirk...she's falling behind.

"So, are we going to do something fun for Midoriya's birthday?" Hisayo smiles to Y/n as they walk outside to the school grounds. The wind has a nice cool breeze, making the heat not so intense.

For the past few months, many changes were made in the school. Hisayo finally stood up against Fuji, causing their friendship to break into pieces. Y/n saw that the female was trying to be a better person and took her in. Since then, they've been very good friends.

Hisayo has been effectively trying to make it up to Izuku for all the bullying, even if he wasn't talking to her at all. She could see the appreciation in his eyes, because somewhere inside there, it was still the same Izuku. He loved making friends, he seriously didn't carry a bad gene in his body.

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