8. | Feelings are fatal

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As the weekend quickly rolls over, Y/n decides it's a good time to get some training done. Also to keep her mind off things, especially the suspension she had received.
Shouto had his plans going on so he wasn't available. Y/n admits that she's been feeling quite lonely, moving schools was harder than she expected. Not seeing her dual haired friend also was a burden she didn't think would matter.

She jogs down the street in deep thought. 'Whatever...all I need to focused on now is my life and the choices I make'

Her family is still displeased with her, but as much as they want to, they still love her and forgive her. Yuu was the first one as he jumped in her room Saturday morning with a great workout plan them could do together.

But she hopes that this week quickly passes so she can get back to school and start her studies again.


For Izuku, this weekend is just a waste. An empty time before he can finally have his visit at the roof.

He sits in his bed, nervously fidgeting while looking around his room. Thinking that this may soon be the last time he's here.
Maybe he should make a note? Or why is he even hesitating? It's for the best...for everyone.

Kacchan, he will never be friends with Izuku again. The person he looked up to, someone he thought could be by his side, has thrown him away like a piece of garbage.
Not to even mention his hero dreams, he laughs at his idiotic and unrealistic plans.

"I should have listened a long time ago, my future was clear. It's just me... I couldn't face reality. I'm never going to become a hero...and Kacchan and I will never fight side by side, ever" He mutters to himself, keeping his dull eyes cascaded towards his window.

The rain pouring down the glass, reminding him of all the waist his been putting everyone through.

Life is really unfair, the weak ones don't seem to have a chance. Or more correctly...they are not given an opportunity.


The saying keeps going, it never stops and it never starts.

Just as he about takes off his shoes, the afternoon air on a Monday creeping up under his white shirt. He stares at his hands, he's been doing that a lot lately, although he doesn't understand why.

He finally looks up and to his surprise, there is somebody there, standing next to the railing. He feels an electric shock wave through his frail body like he wasn't supposed to be here. Not now.

This other boy...facing his back, doesn't seem to have noticed Izuku yet. He slowly climbs over and stands on the other side. Izuku grits his teeth.

'Looks like my chance got spoiled, now someone's here...'

Despite himself, he cups his mouth and yells,
"Hey! Don't do it, please"

Wait a minute...what did he just say? He should not care either way. If he is being honest with himself, he is somewhat pissed.
This is an opportunity missed.

The other boy with glasses slowly turns around, his eyes slightly widening. "I can't take it anymore. I really thought me and him could be, but that was just a lost fantasy" He explains his vows, cracking up a broken smile.

"For god's sakes, please! Are you serious right now? For this stupid reason, you got here before me!" Izuku walks over to the railing and stares into the other boy's eyes intently.

"Are you upset because you can't have what you wanted?!" Tears start spilling from his eyes.

"You are lucky because you never lost anything!" He pants, slowly starting to quiver. 'Y-You can't lose something you never had..'

The boy with glasses starts smiling, closing his eyes in the process, "I feel much better now, thank you for listening" With that said, he disappears through the door. 

The green haired boy lightly taps the railing before looking up at the sky. "Not today..."


A quiet giggle sweeps through the room, the atmosphere in a calm and sweet tone. The e/c eyed girl gently places the infant on the couch, towering over him with a gentle smile.

"Who is the best cousin in the world?" She says in a sweet tone, making the baby yelp with joy.

"Awe he is too cute!" She exclaims, as her aunt walks into the room with a pleasant smile.

"He is, so now Y/n...that we have some time to talk. What happened at school?" She sits down and takes her son in her arms.

An almost immediate shameful glance plays on Y/n's face. Her lips purses and she refuses to make eye contact.

"Ah I know that look, you have done something you are not proud of, right?" Her aunt asks, brows furrowing slightly as she waits for an answer, which she kinda already knew.

Her aunt, Zina. Is a close relative who has been with Y/n since she was born. Zina has always been someone she could talk to when things were rough, more than she could with her own family. Y/n felt like she didn't let anyone down after talking to Zina, she felt at ease.

The girl finally glances up at her aunt and starts telling everything that happened last week. From Lucy, Mai, Bakugou, and Midoriya. Her aunt only listens in complete silence.

With every word Y/n manages to spurt out, she feels the guilt eat away inside her. Not only did she fail her family and got suspended, but she had joined in and 'bullied' a boy born quirkless, a boy nothing to stand back for.
She feels disgusted with herself.

After she's done explaining her situation, the younger girl notices the change in Zina's eyes. It almost looks like she's having a flashback of some sort.

"Auntie?" Her eyes narrow worriedly.

Zina jolts back to reality, "Ah- Yes dear" She cracks up a small smile. "I'm listening" She confirms.

Her son, Haru starts yawning tiredly in her arms. Zina folds him on the couch as he soon falls asleep.
"Is everything okay? I mean I totally get if you are mad at me too, you're not the only one..." Y/n slowly snaps her gaze away, rubbing her arm anxiously. For a girl with a lot of confidence, she is sure acting inferior now.

Her aunt shakes her head, "No I'm not mad at all. It's okay to make mistakes, you are only fourteen. It's just...I guess that boy you mentioned- Midoriya, he...reminded me of someone I used to know" Zina has a faint smile on her lips as if recalling painful memories of someone she cared for.

"Oh really?" The h/c haired girls eyes light up.

Zina hums in response, "Yeah...that boy, that I knew. He needed a lot of help, and I couldn't give it to him...or more correctly, I didn't notice before it was too late" She explains, her voice restraining.

Y/n eyes her confused. What is she trying to say? She doesn't understand the relevance of what her aunt is telling her, but she can see it makes her sad so she doesn't pry.

"Oh never mind, we are here to talk about your feelings now" She wipes away her sad expression and puts on a bright and encouraging smile.

'Yeah...my feelings'

Cause, after all, that's all she should be focusing about.

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