18. | They never saved you

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Thursday, morning

The air feels so light...is that even a thing?
Sometimes the air can feel so thick and heavy, making every movement unbearable.

But now...the air feels so fresh and crisp. His body is so weightless. It's like he's slowly, yet surely elevating from this world.

Which he is....disconnected from everything.

Other than that, Izuku's morning walk is the same. The dread in his stomach is still the same. The thought about seeing his classmates, particularly Y/n makes him churn. What does he say when she asks what happened? How can he face everyone?

Kacchan....Y/n....his mother, how will they react? He knows it's selfish, but his mind is set. There is no future for him anymore, maybe that's why the air feels so light.

'I'll just be a burden...stop complicating things'

'It's not worth it...I'm not worth it' A small tear slips down his cheek. Imagining the feeling of someone hugging him, letting his frame cry on their shoulder. But as it goes, it's just an imagination. He can't ever receive that comfort. Ever.

"Just one more day"


L/n's resident

A muffled voice rings through her ears. She doesn't response.


The girl jolts in her chair, whipping her head angrily towards her brother.

"What Yuu! Can't you see I'm eating breakfast!?" Her eyebrows knit together, lips in an annoyed scowl. Her brothers lips purses in a thin line, before shrugging it off and continued eating his cereal.

"There is no reason to talk with that attitude Y/n, just because you're tired and grumpy" M/n comments sharply before rolling the news paper in her hands.

"Whatever" The teen replies, picking up her phone to socialize on the media. Not at all in the mood to argue with her mother.

Sitting to her right, is F/n. He stares at his daughter with worry, stealing a few glances at M/n at the same time.

The family breakfast is...not a light mood to keep things easy. There's been a distance in the family quite lately and the parents are seriously starting wonder about their decision to send Y/n to a different school was right.

"Y/n I think we need to talk about what's going on with you. Ever since-"

"Ever since you made me change school, everything has been hell. I know" The young female interrupts her father, giving him an icy glare.

His expression turns from concerned to shocked. M/n mouth hangs open with creased eyebrows.

"Y/n L/n, we have done everything we can to make you happy. But you are going around getting into fights, getting detentions, reports from the teachers! And with no care in the world" Her mother huffs heavily.

Yuu sits in between it all, shoulders slumped with a grim expression. He's so tired to hear them fight. He only wishes for everyone to get along, but as the days seem to pass, the worse it gets. Mentally sickening for him as well.

"Well then if you actually spend some time with me to figure out what's going on in my life instead of working your asses of all the fucking time!! I wouldn't be in so much trouble!" She abruptly stands up from the chair and runs out of the kitchen, grabbing her school bag in the process.

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