31. | Hero

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Never had he needed a hero more than he does now.
A villain isn't the only thing you're supposed to fear.
Why did he learn that too late?

Izuku clenches the blanket in his hands, his body swirling with heat. He's uneasy.

The lack of Roses response made him this way. Something is wrong, very wrong. And nobody can save him, she freaking locked the door.

"I-Is everything okay?" He dares to ask, backing up against the wall of the bed. Rose looks down to the floor, a shadow cascaded over her eyes. Now something is definitely wrong.

The young boy slowly tries to take a step out of the bed and make a run for the door, but just as he does so, Rose forcefully grabs his wrist and pushes him back to the bed.

"I don't think so" She warns and that's when he sees her eyes. Pitch black. Izuku wants to scream in terror, but his body freezes in place, he doesn't know what to do. The grip on his wrist tightens and the former cuts start stinging again.

"Ow R-Rose that hurts" Izuku tries to pull away, eyes already tearing up. He just wants to leave in peace.

"We're not done, I'm going to make sure you keep quiet about this and fix the mess you've made"

Rose pushes Izuku down, gripping both of his wrists hard. Izuku yelps in pain, "W-What?" He starts but Rose puts a hand over his mouth. Making the boy squirm and trying to break free, but she uses such force that he can barely move a muscle.

"Because of you! I'm getting fired" She screams with venom seeping her tongue. Izuku's eyes widen in confusion, but he can't say or do anything.

// A/N: listen guys, this scene will evolve a very sensitive and serious scene. If it makes you uncomfortable reading, please stop right now, if you can't handle the topic of sexual assault //

Her crazed look doesn't fade however, she pins him down and sits on top of him. Izuku's warnings signs are screaming at him to get out of there, but Rose is older and stronger than him. He's trapped.

"You'll tell your little girlfriend to drop the charges against me" She gives him a sadistic smile and Izuku stops breathing for a moment.

He starts squirming under her weight, trying to get free. Roses eyebrows furrow with anger as her hands around his wrist clench so hard that Izuku screams in pure pain. He's surely to get a bruise now.

"L-Let me go please, I'll do anything you say" Izuku whimpers which makes her smile in delight. Then Rose feels a liquid sensation on her fingertips.

Izuku's wrist had started bleeding again through the bandages. Rose clicks her tongue in annoyance, this is all just unnecessary. She knows she doesn't have a lot of time left, so with every fiber of her body, she does the thing she came for all along.

In her deepest desires, Rose want's revenge on Y/n. She doesn't really care about her job. She can just get a makeover, move into a different country and change jobs, as this isn't the first time she has done so. What better way to ruin the h/c haired females life than target the one person she truly loves? And in the worst possible way.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you do anything I say~" She smiles seductively and leans down to his ear, "After I'm done, you will make sure that I keep my job or else your girlfriend will get hurt" She starts laughing humorously.

Izuku's heart starts pounding in his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"What are y-you doing?!" He panics as Rose starts fumbling with the hem of his sweat pants, his mind racing like never before.

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