14. | The edge is closer

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Tuesday, evening

She dodges just barely, clinging onto the grass before jumping up into a fighting stance. Yuu doesn't give her a second to breathe before he throws a punch making her grab his fist, bending it downwards. He yelps at the immense pain.

"Ow Ow Ow, okay okay—let go!"

Y/n smirks and takes a step back. Her brother holds his pained wrist with a big pout. "Where the hell did you learn to do that? You never used to throw direct attacks"

"Well, I learned a few things here and there" Eyes smugly narrowed and crossed arms, she can't help but feel superior.

"Such a simple move, but it hurt like a bitch. It felt like my muscles were going to snap" He sighs as he plants himself on the ground.

They had been fighting one-on-one, for over an hour. Both teens had small bruises and dirty clothes. She really enjoyed when they fought hand to hand combat. With her quirk being limited for use because of the danger and destruction it can cause, combat is a good thing to learn.

"Agh I'm beat too" She lands next to him, "So hows U.A going for ya?" Y/n tilts her head with a small smile.

"It's fine, nothing special really. Just hero training and all that comes with it..." He gazes up towards the cloudy sky.

She follows his gaze and her eyes widen.

"Yuu look!" She points, "That cloud looks just like a heart"

"Oh you're right, it does" He smiles before his cheeks dust a light shade of pink.

"It must mean something!" Y/n clenches her fist with a serious expression. Her head turns towards Yuu and notices his light blush.

"Soooo Yuuuuu" She sits on her elbows with a cheeky grin, "Is there someone you like extra well at U.A?" It is too obvious for the girl, her brother never blushes for anything.
One time he had pulled out her panties from the washing machine just as Y/n walked into the bathroom. He lifted up her panties and stared at her with a straight face, "Are these yours?".

His face goes blank before he almost chokes. "W-What? Where the hell did you get t-that from?!" Oh, he's already caught.

"Just a hunch" She giggles, "So? Do you?" Her eyes spark with curiosity.

Yuu's cheeks immediately puff, a frown painted on his mouth. "If I tell you, promise me you won't go rant about it to mom and dad?"

Y/n hums while nodding repeatedly. Eager to know the answer.

"So...there is this girl, she's really strong and pretty. Also, she has the most gorgeous hair ever and beautiful blue/velvet eyes" Yuu holds his chest as he can't help but smile widely, thinking about the person he likes.

"Uuww, tell me more" Y/n chuckles, making Yuu bashfully look down. The girl stares intensely at his features, feeling internally glad that he has found someone.

"Her name is Nejire Hado....I'm never gonna get a chance!" His hands run through his hair with a big huff.

Lips pursed, Y/n smacks his head lightly. "Yuu! Don't say that, you're gonna have to fight for her if you want her! Don't give up yet" She scolds him, making him sit up.

"Yeah you're right, but every time I talk to her. My brain freezes up and I don't know what to say"

"Wow, so you really got a crush on her" The female smiles softly, "You'll figure it out, you always do"

Yuu stares at her feature, he is surprised. His sister was never the type to talk about private things like these. He doesn't know if he should be worried or happy that she's opening up.
Although, one question lingers inside his mind.

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