35. | Long lived

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The two teens were heavenly sleeping, Izuku has practically arms and legs over the girl, enjoying her warmth. Until the boy wakes up in a rush, heart pounding inside his chest. It is a nightmare again for the second time in the night. Izuku turns to look at Y/n, she is still sleeping, drooling a little but Izuku finds that adorable.

"Mhm~" He hears her mumble and pulls herself closer to the boy where she is almost practically laying on top of him.

Izuku fumes in a deep shade of red, but then he recalls the kiss he gave her earlier in the night and it felt like he was going to explode into pieces. "I-Izu" She suddenly whispers.

"Y/n s-sorry did I wake you up?" He tries to look away from her and hide his visible blush.

"No I think I just woke up by myself" She chuckles lightly and shifts to snuggle closer to him. "Did you sleep well?" She really likes being close to him, comfort him, look at his perfect emerald eyes. She wishes for this moment to never end.


"Y/N!!!?" They both hear a voice yell from the hallway, causing them both to tense and Izuku is the first to react and throw himself off the bed.

"Ah Y/n I'm sorry this was probably inappropriate a-and I'm-" Izuku is quickly shushed by the female, her eyes giving him reassurance.

"It's just my idiotic brother" She explains and stands up from the bed, "WHAT IS IT?!" Izuku is startled by the sudden tone of her voice.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Yuu uses all his strength to yell back.

Izuku sits on the floor, perplexed. 'Oh gosh....it's like being in Kacchan's house all over again'

"Oh my gosh, what a prick..." Y/n sighs heavily and is annoyed over so much ruckus in the damn morning. "I'M IN HERE, YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING?!" She cups her hands.

"Oh.." Yuu smirks and walks towards Izuku's new room, he opens the door and stares at the two younger teens.

"What is it?!" Y/n who has lost her patience, gives him an annoying grimace. She is definitely used to all the screaming, but Izuku isn't, but of course! Yuu is going to be an unconscionable brat.

"What'cha doin over here?" Yuu gives her a smugly grin, making her want to slap the shit out of him. "Oh—I see Midoriya decided to take off his shirt~ was it too hot for you two hmmmmm?" The brother continues to tease.

"Y.U.U I SWEAR..if you don't get the fuck out of here, I'm going to roast your asshole" She warns and Izuku is looking back and forth at the sibling in fear.

'Am I even safe?!' The poor cinnamon roll holds his hands over his mouth.

"A hahahaha hahahaha" Yuu laughs " You're so funny Y/n" Then he stops, looking dead serious at his sister. "Mhm...just remember to use a condom" He says with an unbothered expression and walks out...just like that.

3 seconds.
3 seconds it took before the female jolts forwards to run after her brother with a furious blush across her face.
Izuku is laying on the floor, his nose suffering from an immense bleeding.

Welcome to the family.


Friday, evening

The days flew by, they had fun, a lot of fun. Y/n tried to make Izuku's stay the most amazing time he'd ever experience. Despite her brother being a big tease, they somehow got used to it.

Her parents were working a lot of course, and Yuu still had to go to U.A. So that left Izuku and Y/n alone for many hours. Despite Yuu being a big idiot, the two younger teens still switched from staying the night over at each other's room. It was like having a sleepover everyday.

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