22. | Brick of time

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She runs and runs, she can't stop.
She has to get her feelings out, she has to tell Izuku everything that's been staying inside.
He's in pain, he needs to know that she's there for him. She does care...she always have cared.

All the bullying he's been through and god knows what else he's endured. The bandages on his arms...she should have known something was wrong.
But feeling guilty won't help at all, actions speak louder than words.

Tired and sweaty from running, but still, the adrenaline keeps her going. Until she makes it to his apartment complex. The medium tall buildings reach her view.
After finding the correct number, she rings on the doorbell three times, both in desperation and vulnerability. She's scared shitless of what his reaction might be. Will he reject the help? Will she sound so desperate and annoying?

Even so...nobody comes to the door. She can't hear anything. At a time like this, it's appropriate to say, the silence is killing her.

She starts knocking, "Hello? Midoriya are you there? Please let me in" Brows creased in a worried feature.

Still. Dead silence.

'No no no...what's going on? Where is he then?!'

Then the girl stops to think. Why is she panicking? It's not like Izuku is in danger, right? Maybe he's outside somewhere?

"He did say that he had some things to do after school..." The e/c eyed girl starts pondering.

Suddenly, she hears something shuffle inside. Her head snaps towards the door, anxiously she takes a step back.

But the shuffling is not coming closer to the door, to her confusion. Lips pursed close, she walks closer and grabs the door handle. Her eyebrows crease as she finds it's unlocked. Carefully, the teen opens the door, taking a peak inside. The small hallway is engulfed in darkness, only the daylight embracing the place.

"H-Hello?" Her voice stutters, clearly uncomfortable in a presence of another home.
Being the brave girl she is, Y/n lets go of the door handle and walks inside. "Is anyone home?, sorry for intruding, but the door was open and I-"

"IZUKU NOO!!" A voice screams out in anguish. Y/n stops dead in her tracks, veins freezing.

She immediately runs up the small staircase, hearing whimpering sounds becoming louder.

"Please no, please don't do this to me!" The voice cries out. All the worst scenarios washes inside Y/n's mind.

"IZUKU!" Y/n bursts through the door, hues terrified of what she's going to see.

Inko flinches in fear, she is sitting on the floor, a letter in her hand and a knife laying right next to her.

Y/n trembles backwards, complete in distraught. Izuku isn't there.

"I-I'm sorry" The young female barely mutters out, causing Inko to stand up.

"Do you know where my son is? Please help me! You're his classmate right?" Inko grabs her shoulders, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No, I'm looking for him and the door was open...why did you scream?" Y/n's churning stomach wouldn't stop. Inko drops down to her knees, crying out loudly.

Y/n looks around the room and sees the knife, her breathing stops.
'W-What's this supposed to mean?'

"My son is going to commit suicide! I just found his note, please help me find him before it's too late!" Inko holds onto the h/c hair colored teen legs.

Her body paralysis in place.

"After school...he said he needed to do something"
"I-I...AAAAAHGG" She kept on mumbling, before breaking down.

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