12. | Everyone's hurting

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Monday, morning

The girl sighs as she picks up her school bag, having nothing but Shouto in her mind.
After what his father did to him, she's been feeling anxious about sending him back home.
Even so, to keep this a secret, Shouto had to be sent home. She hates it, feeling so powerless.

Apparently, Endeavor had found Shouto's hero suit design for U.A and he got furious. Which lead to Shouto having to admit that he was going to rebel against his father and not use his fire quirk.

Everything is a mess.

Her family is still in a wage tone with Y/n, and Izuku has been acting weird ever since Friday. He hasn't replied to her texts and when she called him, he sounded so tired and just plain emotionless.

What is going on? Why is everything just spiraling into a big hardship?
She feels no control in her life whatsoever.


Katsuki enters the classroom quietly, rumbling over to his desk with his hands buried in his pockets.

He hasn't paid an eyelid to Izuku for over a week and the whole class has noticed.

The fight he had with Y/n is still tearing him. She beat him without using her quirk. He was so blinded by rage and a long time grudge that he couldn't see what's in front of him.

That's not the kind of hero he wants to be.
Someone who's only fighting to prove he's better than everyone else when he's clearly not.

He throws a glance towards Izuku, who's reading a book. Images of Izuku passionately writing in his hero notebook runs through the blond.
What happened to that Izuku?

'What the hell happened to that nerd babbling about being a hero??'

Then it hits him...the locker incident. Izuku's hero notebook must have gotten ruined.
He gulps, what is that feeling? Is it dread? Is he regretting?

'Whatever...he has L/n, she's ada cheer him up'

Speaking of the devil, there she enters with a molding scowl. 'Damn, what the fuck is wrong with everybody?!'

Her hair is frizzy and her eyes seem worn out. She looks just as she feels, a complete mess.

Katsuki's eyes narrow with what you could describe as concern. Until he turns away and meets his reflection in the window.

His eyes are also baggy...his hair is also out of place. Overall, his form looks worn out.

'What the fuck?....what's wrong with me?'

Y/n passes his desk before sitting two seats behind Izuku. She sees the curly head boys face drowned in his book and decides to not disturb him. What could she have said again? 'Heyy Broccoli, good morning' like she used too. But the tension doesn't feel the same, nothing feels the same anymore.

"Hey....L/n," Says a recognizable voice. The female swipes up her head to look at the pink haired female in front of her desk, "Long time no talk" Mai throws out an awkward smile.

Y/n just nods back, she, in a way is a loss for words. Her e/c eyes couldn't help but gaze at Izuku to see if he was perhaps listening to their one-sided conversation. His figure does not move an inch, his cute face with freckles is still buried in his book. Maybe he does not care?

"I was maybe wondering if you wanted to sit with us at lunch?"

Mai interrupts her thoughts as she snaps her gaze away from him. Y/n bites the inside of her mouth, she gets that icky feeling back. It's been eating at her again.

"Hisayo, please just leave me alone" Her face hidden by her hair as she places her hands carefully on the table.

Mai gulps hard, making sure to cough to hide the fact. "O-Oh sure. I'll see you later then" With a weak voice Mai finally spurs away to her given seat, holding her elbows close as she sits down.

Y/n's eyes find their way to Izuku again, her irises narrowing sorrowfully.

'I want to talk to him...I want to make sure he is okay. I want to help him whenever he feels sad, I owe him all that. Then why can't I find any words to say? What's wrong with me?'

Hands find their way to her forehead, she doesn't understand why it's so hard. Y/n has been a girl with full confidence, why is that all faltering slowly?

Izuku...Why can't she get through to him? Why can't she help him? Isn't she supposed to become a hero? Her mind and her heart have become enemies.

Is Izuku hurting because of her?


The freckled boy jogs in the hallway, desperate to leave.

School is over, so he can finally be free.

With a big push, he flings the door open. The cold crippling wind spurs through his body. In a second his red shoes were off and he begins to zip up his uniform.

Until he looks at the railing and notices another person. A short person.

'What? Someone's here again?!'

Out of spite and frustration, the boy calls out.

"Hey! Don't do it"

The other person turns around with a frown, their eyes glazing with pain. Izuku gulps, it's like staring into his soul. He makes it towards the fence.

The other boy starts talking, "I have tried and tried, but it never works. Everyone ignores me—I just don't seem to fit in with anyone here"

Heart racing in his chest, he wants to disappear forever too, but this boy....Izuku can't let him give up. He has so much more to live for.

It's not the end. Yet.

"Are you really serious?" Izuku grabs his own shirt tight, "Do you want to waist your life for such a stupid reason!?"

The short boy eyes widen with surprise, still he manages to smile weakly. A reason to live.

"There is always dinner waiting on the table" He breathes out, "T-There is someone waiting..."

"Thank you for telling me that, I feel kinda hungry" with that said, he disappears.

With heavy breathing, Izuku clutches his fists. "Another time"

He puts on his uniform without sipping it up, throwing on his shoes and walks down the stairs again.

Upon entering the hallway, Y/n spots him.

"Midoriya!" She runs up to him with a worried feature "Ah you disappeared after class, I thought you left"

"Mhm no, I had to use the bathroom" He replies as he hides the letter in his pocket.

"What's that?" The female raises an eyebrow, confused over his different mood change.

Panic spurs through his body, he gulps slowly before crumbling the letter in his hand.

"Nothing, just trash"

"Oh..." Y/n gazes down. He doesn't want to talk about it. "Well if there is anything you want to talk about, you know you have me right?"

Izuku stops walking, he shifts nervously. All the emotions wants to come out, but he can't. His pain is not meant to be shared with others. This burden....Y/n can't be bothered by it.

"Yeah...I have to get home, my moms waiting" He turns around and waves back at her, before vanishing in the crowd.

'I'm so sorry, that I can't be there for you the way you want me too'

The girl feels tears pricking her eyes.
She can't be there for Shouto.
She can't be there for Izuku.
How can she become a hero?


The green haired boy opens his door, puts away his shoes and enters the living room.

Shock waves through him and all the color on his face disappears.


𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽𝚂 ║Izuku ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now