6. | Stand up

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Y/n throws herself in front of Izuku, making Bakugou stop his movements and jolt backwards.

"Wtf L/n? Why are you standing up for this low life!? Huh- Did your selfish ass feel bad now?!" Bakugou grits his teeth, but stands absolutely calm in front of the duo. Like he's not planing to attack at all.

The female brushes her uniform and puts a protective arm in front of the curly haired boy. "Shut the fuck up, what you are doing to him now is pure evil! I admit that I acted like a total idiot, but bullying him? Hurting him just for being quirkless! YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A DAMN VILLAIN!"

She shouted the last sentence with pure rage. No, Y/n is not used to take care of other people, let alone understand how they feel, but she has been taught one thing. Is that hurting people just because of who they are? That's unacceptable.

"I tried to figure out why you hated Midoriya, but I just couldn't get it. Until your ass told him that he's worth NOTHING to you! That's when I realized that nobody deserves to be treated like this" She continues and clutches her fists together, getting riled up as the seconds pass.

Izuku blinks, he's out of this world if he a girl is actually standing up for him. Actually dared to walk in front of Kacchan while he was blowing a fuse.

"So you are like every extra in this world? Letting yourself getting weak because of someone like Deku? Pathetic" He takes a sharp step forward. Y/n flinches and gets into a fighting stance.

'Shit! I can't use my quirk here, I'll kill everyone in this building! Damn it' She bites her lip as nerves started to flow in her stomach.

She knows that, there is no way she is winning on one on one fight with the blond. At least, not if he uses his quirk.

She throws a quick glance over her shoulder, meeting Izuku's questioning gaze.

'Run'. She mouths him, but he shakes his head and also stands up.

"Oh I see, the low life is also gonna stand up and fight me" Bakugou let's small sparks emit from his palm while grinning widely.

"Bakugou, you damn idiot! If you use your quirk inside you'll get into a lot of trouble!" Y/n ushers Izuku behind her as Katsuki approaches.

"NOT AS LONG AS YOU DODGE!" He throws an explosion towards Y/n which she quickly dodges along side with Izuku.

"C'mon girly! Use your damn quirk on me! Show me how much you want to protect this damned nerd" His voice churls through the smoke. Giving Izuku and Y/n a moment to linger.

"L/n please, Kacchan is dangerous. Just let him get finished with me and he'll leave you alone" Izuku offers and grabs her hand as they make it out of the smoke area.

She sends him a glare back. "No! This is me repaying for the things I did, I will not let him hurt you...not anymore"

His eyes starts glistening. There were no selfish motives behind her actions, she is doing this...for him. Because she regretted the way she treated him.

Y/n halts to a stop as her instincts kick in, she throws Izuku to the other side of the hallway making Bakugou directly hit her in the stomach.

She clutches the area and grits her teeth from the pain, but as strong she is. She is still standing.

"Damn this fucker...." She mutters, grasping onto her uniform, trying to think of a way to beat him without using her quirk.

"So you'd actually take a hit for that nerd? You are even more worthless than I thought" His grin in menacing.

He begins running forward and blasts himself towards the girl, she whips around him and try's to throw a punch but his reflexes are to quick. He propels himself to the right and throws an explosion, aiming for her stomach again. A weak point.

'Damn he's persistent' She takes a chance and rolls onto the floor, away from his form. 'He's to fast and has good control over his quirk. Not to mention that he knows my weak point and is purposely aiming my stomach. I have to find an opening..'

He starts laughing as she quickly stands up again. Him also touching the floor a few meters away.

"Why won't you use your quirk shorty?! You seem keen on dodging my attacks, is it possible that you don't have a quirk of your own?"

"No you idiot, if I use my quirk here, I'll end up hurting more people than you!" She shuffles towards Izuku, grabbing his hand as they make a run for it.

Not something she would ever do, run from a fight. But she's at a disadvantage, her quirk is too destructive to be activated. Plus, it's not like they have the authority to do so, which makes this very illegal and it can hurt her future dream.

However, she's already thought of a plan to possibly beat him.

"GET BACK HERE!" They both hear the angry blondes voice shout, their ears getting hurt from the high frequency of the hundreds of explosions Bakugou's using to dash towards them.

"L/n-San I'm so sorry!" Izuku runs next to her, terrified but also feeling guilty.

"Don't worry, we just have to run until we find a teacher, he's stupid to attack inside a school" She encourages as Izuku's eyes widen.

He understands her plan now. There is no way they are out running him completely, but as far as they can get, he would have passed several of classrooms and they must have heard the explosions coming.

"Here!" She stops in front of a supply closet. "This is where I wanted to get" She pauses and smirks to herself.

The two students notice the halls were getting filled with smoke, and Izuku starts coughing.

"L/n we are not getting away from him in time!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan, just watch and learn boy" She smashes her fists together.

Is she going to use her quirk now? Izuku immediately looks over his shoulder to get his notebook from his bag, but then he recalls...there is no more Hero journal.

"You two shitnerds...making me fly across this whole damn school, just for what?! You are not getting away!"

Y/n starts chuckling humorously, wiping away her tears. Although...those tears are only coming from the suffocating smoke. But he doesn't need to know that.

"That's what you think Bakuhoe" Her e/c eyes narrow with deviance.

His eyes starts twitching "You damn extra! You are so dead now!" He lunges forward.

Izuku shrieks and looks at Y/n, but sees her not moving.

'DOES SHE WANT TO DIE?!' He starts shaking.

As if everything is going in slow motion, Izuku turns his head towards Kacchan and he's nearing, ready to blow them away.

But, just before Katsuki can get a chance of hurting them, Y/n whispers "Check Mate"

Heavy rain droplets starts falling from the roof, distinguishing his quirk at once.

Izuku falls back in awe as he watches Katsuki stare at Y/n in disbelief, his eyes showing an emotion he'd never seen him show before. Defeated.

It's a silence over the teens, their hair dripping in water. They can only hear the droplets hit the floor and students screaming from the classrooms.

The girl grins mostly to herself, her gaze is cascaded towards the blond.

Katsuki eyes the fire alarm where her hand had just been. Feeling overwhelmed over to have not seen it coming.
She didn't run away from him, she ran towards the thing that helped her beat him.

"Oh and Bakugou...grow the hell up and start acting like a human being" She nears closer to him and whispers one last thing to his ear, "Don't mess with the L/n family"

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