38. | Challenges

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White socks stroll down the hallway, past paintings, and mirrors. A boy not looking where he is going, so mesmerized into his notebook that he hasn't noticed that the stairs are just a few feet away.

He writes and draws, eyebrows creased intently as he concentrates. It's been so long ago, he fingers have missed the way his All Might pencil would dance across his notebook. He loves it, taking notes of heroes and quirks, somehow his dreams aren't that far away.

And so aren't the stairs.

Izuku takes a final step, expecting for the even shiny wooden floor to be there. "Eh?" His body falls forward in a swift motion, not even registering what's happened, he yelps in shock as he falls forward. His hands clutching the notebook to his chest, like instinct. Izuku's body stumbles down and he hits his nose hard, knees scraping as he rolls his way all the way down to the marble floor.

He groans in pain, forgetting the immense blood seeping out from his nose. The pain is so fresh. "Owe....why am I so clumsy?" He sighs and slaps a hand over his forehead.

It's still early in the morning, he'd thought he'd get some breakfast before he got dressed for school.

He tries to sit up, making the notebook fall from his lap and onto the floor. He manages a small smile "You've given me a lot of trouble huh?"

"Izuku?" A voice calls from the top of the stair. Y/n looks at him confusingly with her hand on the railing. "What are you doing sitting down by the stairs?"

Izuku's cheeks run cold and he tries to hide his face. He can't tell that he wasn't looking where he was going and fell down.

"Oh my gosh! You are bleeding!" She proclaims and rushes down next to him, her eyes narrowed worriedly. "Did you fall? Come here let me see" She tries to get a look on his face, but the boy flinches and looks away.

"I'm fine Y/n! I just eh—I just tripped aha" He laughs it off and puts a hand over his nose. The girl pouts and brings his face closer.

"Broccoli you are hurt, let me see" She cups his face gently and moves closer to him, "Let me get you some bandages" His face falls into a blush from the close proximity.

Izuku nods slowly and lets the girl guide him back up to the bathroom. She notices how he's limping slightly, but still wearing a thankful smile on his lips. It pains her how Izuku is used to be in pain, mentally and physically it didn't matter. She frowns as she opens the bathroom and ushers him to sit by the bubble bath on a small wooden chair.

"Izuku, how did you even fall? You should be more careful..." The female opens a cabin, giving him a side glance as well.

Izuku puts up his hands reassuringly, "Ah I'm sorry to worry you Y/n...I got kinda distracted by writing in my notebook I forgot where I was headed" He chuckles with a nervous smile, brushing his hand behind his neck.

The girl giggles quietly, "Oh Izu, you've been writing in that book since yesterday evening, I swear your eyes haven't been taken off that thing" She finds plasters and a cleaning kit, she walks over to him and hunches to his level.

"Y-Yeah! I'm so far behind, many heroes have emerged and I haven't taken any notes! I need to catch up" Izuku smiles determinately with eyes that sparkle so brightly.

Y/n's heart melts inside her chest. This is a complete different Izuku from when she first meets him.

She remembers so clearly. She was sitting by her desk, Hisayo and Fuji right beside her. Izuku had walked passed their table, shoulder slumped and eyes glued to the floor submissively. Like he was afraid to make eye contact. When he turned his direction to make his way towards the exit, she saw his eyes. They looked dead, blank and empty. And most of all, they looked so sad, so tired of life. She should have known by then how much he was suffering inside.

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