32. | Come home

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What happened next was a full blown out ruckus, all Y/n saw was Izuku's bloody wrists and teary eyes to know that something had happened and that he so desperately clung onto Bakugou for protection. Then she saw Rose, next to the wall, covered in blood and she knew that Bakugou was the one who did this. He protected Izuku, from Rose.

Before anyone could've said a single word, she jolts forward with enough force to push the guard away and grab Roses throat. Making her cling onto her life.

"You damn bitch, what the hell did you do?!" She tightens her fingers around the woman's throat. Y/n's eyes were turned into a darker shade, she had enough of all the fricken obstacles. Enough of the world giving Izuku punishment.

Strong arms pulled her weight back as she fought and tried to break free, but to no use. Having both Shouto and Bakugou restraining you, well that is a fight you lose.

"L/n, calm the fuck down. If you hurt her more, you will get in trouble with the law" Bakugou says as he holds her hands behind her back, giving Shouto a chance to move in front of her. "I don't give a fuck!" She screams back at him.

"Y/n, hey look at me" Shouto gently places his hands on her cheek, making her follow his gaze. Seeing his mismatched hues, always seemed to calm her down. Eventually, the female calms down and Bakugou let's go of her. They start hearing police sirens in the background. Her veins freeze, what had actually happened? Did Rose hurt Izuku? What is Bakugou doing here?

All those questions are put on hold when she sees Izuku, she runs towards him and holds him tight. Running her hands through his hair lovingly. "Hey, It's okay...It's alright, I'm not leaving your side ever again" She murmurs softly, hearing his silent whimpers.

How could all of this happen? The minute she walked out and left him again...just like last time, he gets hurt.

'Y/n you fucking idiot! Why the hell did you make the same mistake again?!' She practically scolds herself, also feeling her own tears form.

Yet, Izuku doesn't say anything, he just cries. And she can only hold him. Todoroki makes it towards them and pats her back, she looks up at him. "We need to check those bandages, Midoriya you seem to bleed a lot" His eyes narrow slowly.

Izuku nods and tries to hold back his own tears. He's had enough of crying every day. Enough of the world giving him so much shit. He wants to be happy, he wants to try to find a will to live, yet this happens. Taking him back hundreds of steps.

All of them with conflicting emotions, leave the room in silence and let the incoming police handle Rose. She deserves to rot in jail, yet Y/n is to hear what actually happened. Maybe it's best to wait. At least, that is what Izuku thinks. Not knowing that Bakugou had other plans.

With Shouto and Y/n walking in front, they don't really know where they're going, just walking until they find a doctor.
Izuku carefully pulls Bakugou's shirt to make the attention avert to himself.

"Kacchan...please don't tell her...not yet," Izuku asks with a shaky whisper, however, the blond simply shakes his head and pulls the green haired closer to him. Placing an arm over his shoulder. Izuku's left with confusion and slight embarrassment to be so close to his former childhood friend and bully. To hell with his dreams of this moment ever happening between them.
Just the beginning of this year, Bakugou despised Izuku. Or at least, that's what he thought.

The smaller male can only seek nice comfort, walking up until a random doctor came rushing towards them. He takes Izuku to examination and put on fresh bandages. While the others wait outside the room.
What Y/n doesn't expect, was that her father and mother come rushing down the hall. Looking like they were going to kill someone, well mostly her mother had that feature. Her father looks dead worried and angry.

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