42. | Fragile minds

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// I was very sick writing this—still am!
So I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I feel so out of it.
But I wanted to put something out there since it's been three weeks.
Some small angst coming up y'all :(( //


Hisayo clamps her lips shut as her friend keeps laughing and giggling with the older class men.

"You are too funny!" Fuji laughs in flirtatious manner. One of the tall boys, hair ash black with dazzling onyx eyes laughs with her, but everyone knows how fake this really is.

It's always been like that with them. Hisayo just recently, thinks back to how fake and toxic all her relations have been. She can't believe that she has gone all the life, all her days, painting out it be this person, this perfect sleek—no flaws person.
She was never acting like herself. All for the spot of popularity.

That's why she was in utter surprise when Y/n turned her back on them and spoke honestly about what she felt towards Izuku. Y/n laid all her chances of becoming popular to protect Izuku, to stop something horrible as bullying to occur.
Despite of how much pride one holds, everyone knows that deep in their veins—bullying is never right.

Hisayo indeed, was in shock of Y/n's actions. And that's what spiraled the female to start thinking—her own mind—her own words.

But Hisayo isn't so brave, she can't just lay down everything she has worked for. Just like that. She is honestly scared out of her mind. What will Fuji say? How will people receive her without her popularity?

It's all she has known and it's all she's been. But....change needs to happen. And she has to do it by herself. Things aren't the same anymore, popularity doesn't give her happiness anymore. Maybe it never did? Maybe it was empty fuel?

"Lucy...lets go, class is starting soon" Hisayo's voice came out as weak and fragile, not that she intended to. She desperately wants to leave, not having the guts to face the trio in the halls any time soon. Y/n's eyes were just going to create a whole in her heart.

Fuji clicks her tongue, dismisses her friend quite rudely. "Well then, I'll see you later okay~" She chirps to the taller male.

"Sure~" He gives her a small smirk before planting his lips on her cheek. "See you at lunch pretty face" The older boy comments with a quick wink before retreating to his group of friends.

Fuji's lips grow into a wide smile, closing her eyes in comfort. Before her mood suddenly changes when looking at her pink haired friend who is fidgety.

"You just had to ruin that?" The blond spat, placing a hand over her hip. Her previous warm smile completely gone, covered by a cold sneer.

Hisayo wonders why they're even friends anymore. All Fuji does is get annoyed with her.

"S-Sorry....I didn't wanna get detention again" She mumbles out, eyes locked to the hem of her black skirt that she has unintentionally played with.

The other girl groans, "Suck it up Mai, when did you become so fragile? You never cared about detentions before...honestly, get your act together" They start walking in the hall, eyes planted everywhere but each other.

"And you never dared to interfere me when I was with my boyfriend. So I suggest you keep to that Mai" Fuji throws out a threat, without having any more remorse for her friend.

Hisayo's lips purse shut, not having any more to say. If she wasn't engulfed with hundreds of students, she would let her light blue eyes leak.

Maybe she is becoming too fragile?
Or maybe she always was.

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