19. | Shattered

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"The doctors lied when they said they saved you"

Y/n could not still keep her gaze intact with Izuku, not after what she just said to him. She made a full-on turn and sprinted away, hair flashing behind her as tears fall from her cheeks. Why did she say that? She doesn't even know the answer herself. What the hell did that sentence even mean!?

Still, her feet carried her away from the boy she can't even look at, something feels so wrong.

'I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on anymore. I feel like I'm failing you, but you won't let me help'

She grits her teeth hard, holding the straps to her bag even tighter, making her knuckles go white.

"So, I really did it now. I'm finally going to be free without hurting anyone because now....no one is going to care if I'm dead" Blank hues stares at the figure vanishing in the distance, It's so empty, his heart and all his dreams have died. Now all there is left, is to get rid of the walking corpse.
End what should have never been born.


As Izuku enters the classroom, he hears people whisper nonsense, glaring at him but in a reluctant way. Like they were afraid of him. How stupid.

Taking a seat on his chair, another person makes it to the scene. Katsuki walks in with another adult trailing behind him. Izuku takes a cautious notice of the young woman and nervously starts playing with his fingers under the table. The ash-blond stops in front of the teacher's desk and stares directly into his emerald orbs. The chattering stops, silence engulfing the class. Even Y/n raises up her head from the desk to see the unfamiliar face.

Katsuki is dead silent, only his heavy breathing can be heard. The young woman with white wavy hair smiles at the class, putting her hands in front of her lap. "Hello everyone, I'm sorry for intruding, but I'm only here to see a boy called Midoriya Izuku"

Shock and huffs made their way to the class, just who is this woman?. Izuku trembles under Katsuki's glare. What has he done now? The green haired boy unsurely puts up his hand, cheeks flushing under the attention of practically everyone in the classroom.

"T-That's me" His voice cracks up. "Great, please follow me," The white-haired says with a sweet smile. Izuku gives Katsuki one last glance before starting to walk out of the classroom.

The door closes and all the students started chatting away, making Y/n confused as to what is going on. Only one person is to ask though. Katsuki.

She stands up from her chair and walks up to Katsuki who stares blankly at her with his hands buried in his pockets. "Bakugou, what happened? Who is that woman?" She asks, eyes wide with worry, even after what happened earlier. She...can't just throw him away.

"That's not your business, let her handle Deku's problems" He shifts his head towards the window, eyes narrowing slowly. His words hadn't come out as rude or implying any harshness, just a soft tone.

Her lips purse together, taking a step closer to him. Katsuki stares down at her, mouth slightly hung open. "What? What're his problems, what is he not telling me Bakugou? Please, you have to tell-"

"Enough" He simply implies, making Y/n shut her mouth closed. "It's not your responsibility to take care of him, let it be. He'll get the help that he needs" Brows knitted together, he tries to make a leave, but the female grabs onto his arm.

"No, you can't expect me to do that! I-I have to do something, just tell me what I don't know" She pleads, already at the verge of breaking down again today. Bakugou roughly pulls his arm back, fury building up inside of him.

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