5. | Detachment

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Tuesday, evening

It's been two days since the whole prank fiasco had happened. Y/n hadn't spoken with Katsuki since and she's been kinda detached from the group.
In honesty, they all have been keeping a low profile. Occasionally returning glances, but no words were spoken.

Izuku has been going his ways, trying to survive school and it's been easier since Katsuki hasn't been around much.

This morning, Y/n walked up to Izuku's desk with all new books. She didn't say anything, just placed the books there and left.
She had figured to stay out of drama for her futures sake.

Now Izuku, has an internal fight with himself. He didn't get to thank the girl for the new books, because she left immediately after class was over.

"Better not disturb her...she just wants to stay out of trouble, and I'm just causing her more" He frowns  as he looks at the books placed on his desk at home.

A knock on his door makes him flinch.

"Hey Izuku, you're back" Inko enters the room. Her son nods at her and takes a seat on his bed.
"Oh I see you got new books?" She interjects with a surprised feature. "Who replaced them?"

"Uh—a new girl named L/n" He quickly replies, not wanting to talk about the subject at all.

Her face lights up, "Is she your new friend?". Izuku's face turns in confusion and almost annoyance as he stares at his mother.

"She was one of the people who leaked my locker, why do you assume that we are friends? I don't have anyone"

Inko frowns, she doesn't know what to do. She knows her son is being bullied yet she can't help him. She can't call the school and tell them the truth. So instead she only nods at him. A simple gesture Izuku had learned to mean that she doesn't want to continue to talk to him.

"Well, dinner is almost ready" She slowly turns around to exit the door. She halts to a stop when Izuku's voice chimes up.

"What would you have done if none of them replaced my books?" He asks with anticipation, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I-I could have replaced them myself" She answers without looking back at him.

"So you wouldn't even call the school and tell them that they didn't do it?" Izuku tightens his fist.

"You know there is no need to spiral up any drama....I think that's maybe what you should do" She walks out of the room, leaving Izuku with wide eyes.

"So it's my fault, it's my fault that I am quirkless and nobody likes me"

A single tear slips down his cheek. Deep inside of him, he wishes that Y/n never bothered to replace those books. He won't be needing them.


After a while of studying, Y/n stretches her arms and realizes that the clock had already passed seven.

"Alright, I got some studying done and I guess I'll train tomorrow" She purses her lips. For the past two days she has been persistent with her goals, kinda blocking out everyone else and just focusing on herself.

Her mother and father had seemed a little bit worried over her sudden mood change, and the fact that she was bottled up in her room or rather training outside. But they soon figured out that she was only just focusing on her dream, so they let her be.

As she is about to walk over to her closet, her phone rings. She quickly tails over to her bed and grabs her phone. A smile plays on her lips as the name of someone she's missed is the caller.

𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽𝚂 ║Izuku ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now