4. | Childhood friends

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Izuku's mouth hangs open, his body shaking with disbelief. All of his belongings mixed up in a toxic goulash in his locker.

More importantly, his precious notebook of heroes, all the time he has spend on writing. All in the god damn trash. Wasted.

Students passing began snickering at his state, some of them taking a quick photo.

'That's right...Kacchan has really done it now' The green haired gave himself a chuckle while tears started falling down to his hands. 'There is nothing left that he can take away from me...it's done, I'm done'

A terrifying thought ran through his head, making his heart squeeze. There is nothing left, nothing more he can do. He's giving up.

'I'm so stupid, all this time I've been denying reality. I can't keep doing this, I have-'

"Oh my, what happened here?" A female teacher quickly rushes over to Izuku's side, kneeling down. "Are you okay Midoriya?" She gives him a worried feature.

"Oh y-yeah I'm fine...just-"

"Did somebody do this to your locker?!" She looks up at the mushy books, furrowing her eyebrows.

The male slowly nods his head, averting his gaze away. He's too ashamed to admit it, he feels like a weak, defenseless loser who can't do anything right.

"I can't believe this...come here, let's get you to the principal's office" She gestures him up.

"What's going to happen?" He quickly asks, before the teacher can drag him away. Worried that he might get in trouble with Kacchan later, because it isn't a mystery who did this.

"Well we're gonna get this reported sweetheart, this is unacceptable and a violation of ones property" Her orbs gleams with seriousness. Izuku nods as he keeps in tie with her. Avoiding all the glares he gets from the passing students.

'I'm gonna get in so much trouble with Kacchan later...'


"Hello students of 3-A, can Bakugou Katsuki, Hisayo Mai, Fuji Lucy and L/n Y/n come to my office please?" The principal's voice rings through the classrooms.

The fellow students eyes widen, Bakugou clicks his tongue in annoyance. Lucy and Mai both freeze in their seats. Y/n wears an aloof expression, only her jaw tightening. She had thought it was weird since Izuku didn't show up for his first period. She had already figured that something was wrong.

"Well on you go, you trouble makers" Their teacher stopps writing on the black board to give them an inpatient glare.

The students hesitantly stand up from the chairs. All of them giving each other glances. The most worried were Lucy and Mai, with a perfect reputation in the school.

'I can't believe this' Lucy bites her lip.

They walk out of the classroom. "Oh my gosh! Fucking Deku dared to tail on us" Mai grits her teeth, getting a sigh from Lucy in return.

"Let's just keep calm, it's not like they have proof" She crosses her arms.

"That damn nerd" Katsuki mutters under his breath. Y/n gives him a side glance, wondering why he hated the freckled boy so much.

She knows that it's not her business to ask, but she couldn't help but feel curious. They had apparently been childhood friends. The only friend she's ever had, was Shouto. They had never had an argument or anything like that, so she wasn't used to friendly complications.
Not that Izuku or Katsuki we're friendly, not anymore.

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