48. | The fall pt/1

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The morning that follows...is one that will never be forgotten.

It can't be forgotten.
The loses that were made, buried deep inside their veins. This will hold scars until the end of time.


The day of the Sport Festival. Yuu has to go, even if his sister is sick, at least she has Izuku by her side. What happened to their planned family gathering? Yuu doesn't even know.

M/n is on a business trip far away, F/n is still on a mission and nobody has heard from him. Y/n is sick and can't drop by. Yuu woke up, feeling something weigh down his chest. He wasn't excited.

At least there is something good he can look forward too. Nejire is waiting for him.

So he left too, bright and early.

Izuku wakes up a few hours later, still close by Y/n's side. His hand trails over her beautiful features as he smiles softly. Thinking that everything will be alright, they had gone through worse right? This wasn't anything! Only a bright future is ahead..

Until the phone rings, it keeps ringing, ringing Y/n out of her sleep. Her e/c eyes open wide, still seemingly tired even though she has rested a lot lately. Ever since the hospital visit...she's been tired. It's probably the stress, yeah.

Izuku is the one to rush over and hand her the phone. Without further notice, she hears the frantic voice of her father? No it is her mother?

"Y/n, please! Can you hear me?!"

She can't open her mouth to say something, she can't understand the words that are being said either. Izuku sees her distraught face and grabs her phone quickly, leaving the female confused.

Izuku answers the person on the phone, Y/n sees his expression falter bit by bit. His lips are trembling severely and she can't figure out if he's saying something. Who is on the phone again? It had to be her father.

"Izuku?" She tries to call him softly, reaching out her hand to his shoulder. He doesn't react. Her hearing suddenly comes back clear as day, but her head starts pounding like crazy. "Agh...it's—this is not a fever" She tries to hold her head with her hand, like that will help at all.

"Y-You..lied to me" Izuku's phone drops by his fingertips, not even looking at the female anymore. "You—when I asked what was wrong all this time! Y-You lied to me!!" He jumps up from the bed in defense, emerald eyes vivid with tears.

"Izuku what are you taking about?" Y/n tries to stand up from the bed, but can't feel her legs at all. She sits there, heart being drained by hearing how distraught Izuku is.

"That was your father on the phone! R-Rose has kidnapped Todoroki and my mother!! You never told me she was on the loose! You lied all this time Y/n!!" Izuku grabs ahold his his shirt, breath getting caught in his throat.

All life drains from Y/n's face, her lips twitching with disbelief. So that's what F/n is doing? Todoroki...no, it can't be. He's been kidnapped? Izuku knows about Rose, Izuku's mother is also gone.

"Oh my god" She mumbles out quietly, having no time to process these thoughts before Izuku storms out of the bedroom in tears. "Izuku wait!" She screams after him in despair, falling out of her bed harshly. 'Dammit! Why am I so weak at this time!?' Her teeth grit as she pulls herself up. She has to stop Izuku before it's too late, before he does something he'll regret.

She manages through pain and mental agony to get to the main hall, looking down at the exit door wide open. Izuku's shoes are gone. "No no no!" She holds herself by the railing, panic destructing her system. "Yuu...shit I can't call him for help, Bakugou!!" She does a full turn and runs inside again, tripping her way through the hallways and into her room again.

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